F Stop
doublestop And you're no more English than Dick Van Dyke.

I got it immediately and laughed. It was the trombone like "whaaaat" that sold it.

When i lived in Jakarta in the late nineties it was well known that you could avoid the massive lines at immigration if you went to the side where there was this little window, and slipped your passport to the dude with a 50,000 Rup note (about ten bucks then) inside it. It was called "the express line". Not sure if

These quotes make this guy sound like Tucker/Norm, the fake Englishman from something about Mary. Lets play a little game—which ones are his, and which ones are from the movie?

This is not a credible source.

Actually it seems the police fed her the story and asked her to confirm.

No. The website that you linked to is not a credible source. Who created it? Who is allowed to edit it?

That's all you need to know about her in order to….what, conclude that she is a murderer?

This website is not a credible source.

I've read a fair bit about this case and I have no doubt that Knox was innocent. The prosecutor, Mignini, is a real nutbar who was also involved in the bogus prosecution of journalists in the "Monster of Florence" case. The guy wrote a book about it (recommended for anyone interested in true crime and the outrageous

Yul Brynner was so scary in the movie.

I don't understand why anyone would ever want to give up coffee. It gives so much, and asks so little.

I'm pretty sure I've got it right:

Right, turns out it was some kind of fruity fish.

Steve Irwin, the crocodile hunter. Died at 44.

thanks, great piece. saw a lecture on refugees living in Chungking Mansions put on by Royal Geo Society. V interesting. First night I stayed in HK was at Travelers Hostel on 16F….

He says Hannity's name like five times in 90 seconds. I couldnt stop laughing—somebody call Sean Hannity!

No-sounds good though. Bombay Dreams is good. The numerous bolt holes in Chungking Mansions are fun to take out it towners to and offer excellent value. And most of the clubs serv a good curry. Mmm curry….

Dew neh Loh Moh! (not really)

It is spicy fermented vegetables. I've only had it in restaurants. Have not noticed a bad smell. Tastes delicious.