
Hillary people must be very happy now.

“Alexa, search YouTube for [insert anything you want to see at any time]”

It cannot fix gross illiteracy. If you type what is tantamount to gibberish then it will not understand the context of what you are trying to say

I am currently working on my Ph.D. in Psychology and Grammarly is not just a rehash of the Word, grammar checker. Grammarly is used quite extensively in academic writing and finds and suggests changes that word completely misses. It also can be used to do a plagiarism check to make sure that you are paraphrasing

Non-paranoid, non-tech consumers are going to buy a ton, the thing that might hurt them is the biba video service company they bought. I believe, could be wrong, echo shows can only call other echo shows? You need a huge device saturation rate for that to work, like apple and FaceTime.

I say why not try both. Start a voluntary “universal” health care that any American citizen can opt into. If they do so then instead of paying for the healthcare out of pocket or being taken out of their paycheck from their employer healthcare, it gets added onto their income taxes.

When insurance companies started to decide how much everything should cost, that’s when the price hikes started.

It’s because we live in a world where Larry Wilmore got 2 seasons for his own show while Bill Maher is on 15 and still going.

I don’t have children. I don’t even like them. However, I understand how society works. Everyone pitches in to take care of everyone else. That way the whole is stronger than the sum of the parts. By helping our communities, we improve our own quality of life. So please, take my tax money for things like schools,

The US spent $2.9 billion on R&D for military drones last year. That doesn’t include maintenance, operating cost, or ammunition. Operating cost alone can run $30,000/hour, depending on the model. Gee, maybe we could build fewer killing machines and divert a little money to saving lives.

Gen McMaster’s loyalty is to the Constitution of the United States, not to the President. If the President is asking him to do something that is illegal or contrary to rules and regulations, then McMaster has a duty to respectfully inform him of that, disobey is he has to, and if Trump has a problem with it, he can

I’d rather him do the right thing than follow a chain of command that leads to Trump.

It’s not that we won’t let you come live here. It’s just we can’t just let everyone in all at once and right now, refugees like the ones in Syria have a higher priority than an American who doesn’t like his/her reality TV leader.

Congratulations France! The majority of Americans understand the problem is not hate, walls or bombing each other. Sadly our system is very flawed and we ended up with an orange cheeto in charge.

French law requires the media to cease publishing about the election 44 hours before the polls close

We get to find out tomorrow if the French people are as smart and sophisticated as they seem to think they are.

The instrument (the telescreen, it was called) could be dimmed, but there was no way of shutting it off completely.

Sucks for them. We’ve got the Cubs game on one TV and the other is.. oh.. it’s on Avatar now but it was showing Black Hawk Down earlier.


In related news, I just finished Atlas Shrugged, and can now definitively conclude the welfare state is a dehumanizing abomination that must be razed in its entirety.