People paid for a dev kit. They got a dev kit.
People paid for a dev kit. They got a dev kit.
as long as they dont mess with oculus being more of a core gaming experience working with valve still, im fine. at least oculus has a big bank account backing up its development now. i dont care whatever facebook decides to do with it on the side as long as the core gaming experience that was promised is still there.…
ITT: The internet knee-jerk reacting to something that they don't even remotely understand. Yay, internet!
If we're going to tell kids they never have to die than I hope we're also going to be telling them they can never ever reproduce. This concept sounds so delusionally selfish to me. Everything living dies. Humans. Plants. Individual cells. And new things, often better things, take their place. It's what creates…
Bravo! But this does not go nearly far enough. We should also stop telling kids they will have to learn how to drive, because the future will have flying cars. Actually, we should also stop teaching children how to walk, because the future will have hoverpods. And we should stop teaching them how to eat, because…
The modern world has somehow decided to equate death with failure. When someone dies of cancer, we say that "they lost the battle". Not a healthy view, any way you slice it.
Wouldn't it make more sense to use a HUD and and augmented reality setup (You could also add shells circling your kart, for added fun, when applicable), than it would to set up a projection system for the entire track?
This guy needs to get a prototype to hallmark now and usher in the age of playable birthday cards
I'm literally chuckling out loud right now, this is a great comment.
You actually proved his point. Elation over the Seahawks was confined mostly to the Seattle area. Canadians coast to coast are thrilled about the gold.
This this this THIS! It's as if people are trying to forget the past 2 decades of FPS history when talking about Titanfall and what it does.
This is genius. The very first casual MMO?
Here is the major difference between Japanese and American audience. Americans require the game to be flashy and looking cinematic even if the gameplay is not that thoughtful. The Japanese requires the game to reward the ones with quick and tactical thinking so games like Pokemon stayed very graphically minimal since…
Elmer Fudd is a BEAST
Wheres Dark Cloud 2? [ALso this game looks....quite nice.]
When people tell me that Big Bang Theory is funny, I flat out reject them as human beings. So I should admit to my hypocrisy here. I expected to not like Broad City, but I really, really enjoy it. I think it's hysterical and well acted.
Is it sexist of me to say I'm not sure if I like this show because it's funny or that I'm just insanely attracted to Ilana Glazer?
That's the weird thing - Venture Bros. and Archer are two of my favorites of all time, but I also find Broad City to be REALLY funny at times. More of the funny/bizarre kind of humor that has become someone mainstream recently, but still good. Using someone's tastes as a reference point rarely works, unless that…
Just for a reference point, what is your favorite comedy?