
A guy from college who I was madly in love with. I cannot remember his last name but I'm fairly certain it started with a K. Every google search has been a dead-end. I'm not sure what I would do if I found him, anyway. I was a boy back then and I'm pretty sure he was straight. One night while working on a photography

True Love.

Wrong Graphic Is Wrong, Graphic

It's a little white (or a lot) but it's a pretty good effort, I think

Yes, much less male gaze! And way more personality!

No, that's ridiculous. Having the character be hyper-sexualized benefits the story then so be it, but so often it seems to be done without regard to the material.

I don't like it because it's pandering, it degrades me as a consumer because it's often used as a stand-in to actual content.

It does raise an interesting question.

Ladies and gentlemen, a new breed of adult has emerged. This isn't your parent's price is right.

fixed it for ya :)

This is definitive. Anyone who spins it any other way now is an idiot.

Exactly, how is no one talking about this???

Nothing sucks in North Korea. You will be torn by dogs for shaming our dear leader

this level of desensitization is what the powerful feel when they're taking advantage of the powerless out in the real world

Except this sort of thing happens all the time. Just not to you because you're the type of player who just logs off instead of enjoying yourself, thus missing the point of the game

None. Dude made the significance up so he could play a game with them.

You're finally here. I and my clan have been searching for the overly-serious men all our lives. We need a replacement every 5 years to take over the job of withholding all the excessive seriousness in the world. Come! It is time for you to prove your worth as the chosen one.

Wow... I'm astonished by such simplicity! I don't think violence has to be tangible in order to be effective. Would you say The Lord of the Rings or Stieg Larsson's Millennium aren't violent. I'm not saying violence is wrong and all, I'm just saying I can't stand it when I find it to be gratuitous and perpetuated by a