
[not the right ones apparently]

True as that may be, Democrats are now having to face where that means the votes of more economically important (read rich) states should mean more than those that are not so...influencial economically.

I don’t like Trump at all and I’m scared as hell, but if democrats are going to be so dismissive of democracy as to

I’m just curious, are you in favor of torture as well?

If you pass, does it really matter?

So go to war or figure out how to work with people you don’t agree with. Those are the options.

More condescending and reactions before anything has actually happened does neither of those things. It helps nothing.

Not explicitly mentioned:


This solves nothing. Seeing a mass group of people as degenerates is how we got here.

You are sad.

That remains to be seen.

TLDR: penises are gross.

shit dude speak for yourself.

uhhh....what now?

Oh for fuck sake

Think it will run android? Dual-boot?

Because if so this is my goto tablet, easy.

It wasn’t a rape joke.

Getting this amount of press about this small a slight is the definition of white female privilege.

You’re wrong. Vengeance is awesome.



Civil War put me and 2 friends of mine to sleep. Those complex themes in BvS communicated enough for me, even if it wasn’t as clear as it could be. It was more daring as a movie and I think it will be looked back on more fondly as time goes on.