
That is not an argument. it is a convenient form of dismissal. And if my own journey in learning what equality in a hetrosexual relationship means anything, it's that simple dismissal is never ok and is often a sign of misused power.

I think perhaps the point of this question is that there is a danger in gendering both empowerment and a lack of empowerment either way. There are many variables that effect one's privilege in life and let's be honest here, gender is not necessarily the one be all.

That is ridiculous. Even the black panthers promoted power to all people.

Ya, that is a little much man.

ya I did not realize how deep that comic went.

Great article. I hope there is a followup for the continued racial discrimination that is a part of games industry as well.

Lewis CK said nigger in his set. The diference was it was in context. Nobody got mad.

What's wrong with black people having an identity of their own? There is a seperation. Different histories will do that. It's call spice. That should not be threatening to you.

I think the counter-agreement put forward by the commenters is that the gender dominated space does not always indicate a problem that needs to be fixed. Which, quite frankly, I think is a perfectly reasonable argument.

entitled being the key word here.

Key word being "entitled."

Key word being "entitled."

Key word being "entitled."

Key word being "entitled."

Key word being "entitled."

"Industrial engineering is a branch of engineering dealing with the optimization of complex processes or systems."

If the U.S. did not exist, could Apple (or any other American born/multi-national company)? It could be argued that Apple only got to be as successful as it is because of the economic freedoms, safety and general infrastructure that living in the U.S. brings. Where is the acknowledgement of that?

I find that most worthwhile things in life require doing things you don't want to do for a time. Consider that part of the practice.

I wonder how much current social climate would change these effects within women. I don't know how it is in the Netherlands, but I'm willing to bet an American women in 40s would be way more anxious in the presence of men then they would be today.