Mitch McConnell does not “kind of suck”. Mitch McConnell is the architect of the end of the United States and does what he does solely out of spite. He is the embodiment of hatred and corruption.
Mitch McConnell does not “kind of suck”. Mitch McConnell is the architect of the end of the United States and does what he does solely out of spite. He is the embodiment of hatred and corruption.
Seriously, even another conservative Republican would be better than Mitch McConnell. NIXON in his prime would be better than Mitch. She can say whatever she wants just so she gets a shot at taking that treasonous bastard down.
but if the NYT gets rid of this asshole where will we get our thinkpieces about how hard it was on the Nazi soldiers running concentration camps?
Because they think that all sexual relationships are between a man and his chosen sex object instead of two (or more) consenting adult humans.
Indeed. When I read the Times I go right to his columns-and directly to the comments where the entertainment value of his regressive, right wing nonsense getting skewered is tremendous. One of my favorite commenters routinely refers to him as “Brother Douthat.”
Jesus. I used to be morbidly curious about the underground paper he ran with The Man Who Narrates My Mornings, Michael Barbaro, when they were bitter nerds in high school.
The Times trotting out this guy and Brooks every week for decades is a stain and a rot upon society and democracy and civil society. Is there anything this guy (and his ilk) are right about? If so, i havent seen it.
Can confirm he waddles due to the rod up his but with a rod up its butt.
The way he is mocked in the generally tame NYT comments section shows that a segment of the average Times readership knows he’s a piece of shit.
It’s a standard conservative false equivalence tactic: Next we’ll be allowing people to marry dogs!
a warning that pedophilia could be the next sexual orientation embraced by liberals;
There’s so much to unpack here, but I don’t have that kind of time. One bit was especially horrorifying to me though:
The only thing sadder than “young conservative” is the fact that the New York Times hired this pant-load.
Good lord! The rod up that man’s butt must have a rod up its butt.
Echoing what @Raineyb said, the city shares culpability for a lack of preparedness to deal with the violence.
Jesus God this guys is so worked up about increased female representation in a genre sorely lacking in it.. He immediately attributes any use of a female character outside of a ‘protagonist’ or otherwise as ‘pandering to the femanazi agenda’ — LOL. Gotta love this stuff, you can’t make it up.. No idea what’s wrong…
I liked this game much more than I thought I would. It’s the closest thing we’ll get to a Ghost in the Shell FPS, and I really like the mechanical design, it’s got sort of a gritty, unpolished, Neill Blomkamp-ish feel to it.
I really love the character designs of the classes in Black Ops 3 multiplayer. I wish they were used in the singleplayer.