
Only a Toronto Star writer can be so obsessed with finding subliminal gay messages in a swag bag that he forgets what a rainbow looks like.

"Dammit! The Broncos defense was supposed to be running security for these press conferences!"

I would argue Seattle and San Francisco were the two best teams in the league. It seems pretty clear to me that the AFC was a pillow fight this year.

The jokes on the racists because now they have to drink Pepsi.

Any Super Bowl that gives me an unquestioned champ is a good Super Bowl.

I'm sure the locals thought the same about us when our ancestors landed & took over.

C) you hate peyton manning

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Confused why #fuckcoke is trending on twitter. I thought Philip Seymour Hoffman died of a heroin overdose

Who else saw this commercial live and waited for this article to pop up?

That fan is now the ultimate team player, in that there's no eye in him.

Google connects the dots between the stations, it doesn't trace the actual path of the transit system.

Never been prouder to be an apathetic White Sox fan, good job guys!

Yes! We are the most beaten down and resigned-to-our-fate fanbase!

This is better than anything the Browns have done on or off the field in 25 years.

NBA players are big 2nd amendment supporters.

I wish someone had told me about that

If Fox could get all of these guys in the room to watch Fox Sports One, it would get its highest ratings.

This comment's an absolute Jewel +1