Without Trump, I guess there was no one in the room to suggest putting out the fires with nukes...which actually would have been a more valid suggestion than trying to kill a hurricane with nukes.
Without Trump, I guess there was no one in the room to suggest putting out the fires with nukes...which actually would have been a more valid suggestion than trying to kill a hurricane with nukes.
Given that the soft, gelatinous texture is the raison d’etre for a ton of dishes, I’d say you’re definitely not the only one.
I’ve been able to get really good skin, but never cracklin’ level skin on 2-4 pound chickens. They’re just too small and don’t spend enough time in the oven. I’ve learned to take what I can get and to relish the delicious salty, slightly crisp stickiness that comes with not quite super crispy roast chicken skin.
Decent quality duck sauce (NOT the crap you get in takeout packets) works very well as a dipping sauce for lumpia. It’s how we were raised eating them and is still my preferred condiment.
Honestly, how hard is it to just kick them out (in the nicest possible way, of course). Who cares if you offend serial table squatters? This is the one rare case in the world of restaurant ownership where you actually don’t have to care that they don’t feel welcome! Relish it!
No argument here though Newark is starting to get a little bit better with their renovations. It still sucks but hey, even a good airport is just a less sucky airport.
I think this has the potential to be awesome...if, and only if, they make exactly the same movie with exactly the same cast at their present ages.
To clarify, it’s not 2 hours one way - it’s a little more than an hour each way. The real downside is that 70% of the distance is free and easy highway travel. The remaining 30% is bumper to bumper traffic that takes 60% of the travel time.
Dude needs a new shoe contract.
Except for tying my shoes, I have no idea how to tie a knot. If you hand me two pieces of string not on a shoe and ask me to join them together I wouldn’t even know where to start.
Corrupt union official? Stereotype much?
On the plus side, this means that you’re fine to buy the X3M this year if you don’t want to wait to get the M3 next summer.
Based on my 20 years with a 2+ hour commute each day, the correct answer to this question is ‘zipper merge’.
I love it when food snobs decry Goya and espouse the virtues of cooking like grandma.
Dennis Miller was always better as a football commentator than as a comedian.
I only reuse bags to store the same thing that was originally in there. No washing required (e.g., bulk goldfish crackers from Costco ridiculously come without a resealable bag). Drying bags is such a PITA that I’d rather just not bother. I understand the desire to reduce plastic waste but from a cost saving…
I thought it was just accepted that any white person born before 1960 was at least kind of racist? Isn’t it just the way things worked back then?
Many unions tend to have really generous medical benefits. My wife’s package through her teachers union was miles ahead of the insurance offered through my work (which is, itself, rather generous in terms of coverages and OOP limits). These people will lose if no option.
I do think that Delaney is probably more right than he is wrong, at least for now. I do wish that Sanders et al would modify their approach to Medicare for All a bit and introduce a phased/staged plan that would make achieving the end result more palatable to centrists with check points that would allow for…
I support this. Anything to screw over the whole student loan/college tuition/financial aid usury scheme. The cost of college and the ridiculous financing schemes out there is just another piece of evidence that maybe the US needs to take a good hard look at itself.