
Yes, I obviously read the article I linked to, which is why I said I was not implying causation. It also give a pretty strict yes or no answer in the first sentence, “The short answer to your question is that couples who live together before getting married are more likely to end up going their separate ways.”

Statistically, couples who live together before they get married are more likely to get divorced. (Not implying causation though)

It’s okay, none of them are Chargers fans

I think seeing the lyrics tricked Julianne into thinking that you could understand what she was saying without reading it simultaneously.

My bet is Varys is heading to Dorne. Either that or to do something he did at the end of the 5th book.

That’s interesting. In my experience, all of the Clinton supporters I’ve met aren’t necessarily passionate about her, but are passionately against Republicans and would do anything to prevent a Republican president.

Have you actually ever heard a Clinton supporter say they won’t vote or will vote Republican if she’s not the nominee?

The commenter you pointed out who made the pros and cons list for Hillary is the tomato troll.

That’s not fair. Ray J also does a pretty good job living off of Kim Kardashian and the women of Love and Hip Hop: Hollywood.

She is nowhere close to a size 16. She looks like a 6 to me, 8 tops.

I’m an obnoxious Steelers fan, and I think there is a difference between the fans of the different sports here. Everyone has one team that they are ride or die for even when they’re shitty and then only enjoys the other teams when they’re doing well.

I love Serena, but I thought she’d be better at twerking.

He’s real. I’m surprised he hasn’t been adopted yet.

The singer who I shared a last name with has a song in a Tarantino movie.

“If my dog doesn’t like you, I don’t like you” isn’t logically equivalent to “If my dog likes you, I like you.”

I’ll admit it if someone’s right, but no one has been right so far.

No one’s gotten any of my name’s correct lol

Incorrect as well. Maybe this last name isn’t as Jewish sounding as I thought. The hint I’m giving people is I shared a last name with a Jewish singer/songwriter.

Far less common first name and less arab sounding last name. His dad was coptic and I don’t know if they have a different barrel of last names than Egyptian muslims.

It is not my maiden name, but someone with that last name was terrible to my dad lol.

Since no one’s guessed it, a hint is that I shared a last name with a famous singer/songwriter.