Being more likely than not aware of deflated footballs is officially worse than multiple attempts to injure players.
Being more likely than not aware of deflated footballs is officially worse than multiple attempts to injure players.
But if the TD didn’t exist, the celebration wouldn’t have occurred.
Meh, I just hate excessive celebration and taunting penalties in general. I say get rid of them and just make it a delay of game if your celebration is too long.
It stood.
He might have been; that was the longest pass he attempted after getting his right shoulder injured.
I believe he pushed a ref? They definitely showed footage of a Bengal pushing a ref. Also, another Bengal took his helmet off to argue with a ref, which is a penalty, but went uncalled.
I don’t think he rides a motorcycle anymore.
We lost Ben and Brown, so still pretty sad.
Ben will probably play next week but still be injured and throw 6 interceptions.
Dipping a baby into immortal juice while holding him by the knee would have been pretty awkward though.
Wait, Watch Dogs did well enough to get a sequel?
Are you ever going to acknowledge or report that the source recanted his whole statement?
Norman is presumably a fan of the NFL as well.
Birthdays: Being Jewish and having a mid-April birthday is the WORST. It often falls on Passover, which means shitty food, and sometimes it’s on Easter which means everything is closed.
It’s not really about saving Sansa, but not changing the characters of Sansa, Littlefinger, and Theon.
If you want to argue that creating a character that serves no plot purpose, but to be abused by Ramsay and saved by Theon is problematic, I would agree, but that would be a problem with George RR Martin, not the show.
I’m not sure what you mean by okay. Like is it okay that it was originally written that way in the books?
I would have been more okay with the show putting Jeyne Pool in that situation because it wouldn’t be changing Littlefinger, Sansa, and Theon as characters.
If they went the Jeyne route, I still don’t think they’d…
It’s really different if it’s in the books or not.
Cersei and Sansa’s rapes bother me because they were added for no reason.
In the books, Cersei had a consensual encounter with Jamie by their son and Sansa is still in the Eyrie.
The decision of the showrunners to add rape when there is none and change characters like…
I was so hoping that they were going to show how Sansa had learned the game and that she would have manipulated Ramsay and have him wrapped around her finger, sort of how Margaery handled Joffrey.
I don’t buy that Littlefinger doesn’t know exactly how demented Ramsay is and I believe his obsession with Cat wouldn’t let…
I had to say it out loud. I was expecting it to say Thanksgiving at first.
It looks like Kobe just wanted to do a high five and refused to adjust.
The inauguration
I’m actually kind of less inclined to believe he’s a cheater now, because I’d expect him to be better at lying and dancing around questions.