
The Animal Crossing/Harvest Moon playing, Disney loving, clothing fashionista in me can't wait for this game to come out. I know this will sound like sarcasm, but it absolutely is not: As a male I love playing dress-up with my female avatars and as career man I adore doing menial tasks that give me daily rewards! Sign

Again with this shit?

This is the only mascot Unity needs...

Though I understand their points from a business perspective, it makes me sad that we live in a world where people can so coldly crush creative ideas.

"Daaaave the dope fiend shooting dope who don't know the meaning of water nor soap."

Really? I mean really? Fuck off. She's white so she can't wear a traditionally Asian dress? What the fuck is this shit?

That damn Aurora, killing innocent enchantresses and enslaving their familiars!

Oh, sorry for misunderstanding, yeah I felt like I fucked up after I pressed publish, I know I can edit but I have to deal with my mistakes, so, if that fist-bump is still up for grabs, then let's do it *places fist waiting for you to bump it*.

I liked that idea up until "comment section"

Years ago.

its always been.

I agree. She does sometimes make a good point but her last video of the mansel in distress where she basically said this doesn't count because there are too many more damsels in distress and then continued the topic from the previous video of listing off more damsels.

Cool story bro.

Turned ratings on for my new video as an experiment. 100 dislikes before anyone had the time to finish watching it: — Feminist Frequency (@femfreq) November 18, 2013

By "Capturing" you mean ripping from other youtube channels.

It's upsetting that she obviously filmed it all at once and now takes weeks between videos, or is it months?

You'd think with all that Kickstarter money she'd have enough to buy a new shirt.

There are many, many, many other games that use different styles. So, stop bitching.