Straight outta Germany, here's nine minutes of adorable new footage from Pokémon X, the latest entry in Nintendo's…
A costly lesson!
Saying Japanese developers suck isn't racist. Saying Japanese developers suck on account of the race of their employees would be.
I'm disappointed. I imagined people smuggling them in traditional way - put them into a condom, swallow, poop it out.
Nah. Been kickin' it since Mega Man 2 in '89, but thanks for playing! We'd also like to present you with a $10.00 gift card at "Slow Your Roll" Furniture Warehouse, where you can buy a new folding chair to replace whatever tortured pedestal you've slowly oozed into and conjoined with while you were developing bad…
That's because you're some snot-nosed j-fag who started gaming in the late PS2 era and missed classics like Transport Tycoon (John Broomhall did the soundtrack for that too, aside from the first two X-COM games), Unreal Tournament (Alex Brandon was one of the composers, although I admit the Finns did some of the best…
Check out some of the comments others have posted on this page. I think what they have is quite decent actually. Still, wouldn't pay for it =/
Yeah. I like to think I know a fair amount about VG music composers, and even have my favorites (Eastern: Yasunori Mitsuda, Nobuo, Yuka Tsujiyoko, Masashi Hamauzu, Hiroki Kikuta, etc. - Western guys like Jeremy Soule, Inon Zur, Jack Wall, Russell Brower), but I've almost never heard of even one of these guys, and I…
yeah their selection is quite poor
Immediately went to the KS page. No Nobuo. Closed it.
For me I'd argue Fire Emblem had more time investment from my part and that I liked it more. I'd even say I would replay it at a harder level because I want to see other possibilities of what choices I could make (choices is another theme they both cover, though at opposing sides).
I like that Fire Emblem deals with a lot of the same story ideas (time travel, family, etc), though perhaps less artfully than BioShock. I think Fire Emblem has BioShock beat for me hands down, purely because it's so much more fun to play the actual game. Funnier, too. Just kind of more substantial. But I'm sure a lot…
Since we're being honest I too had a problem with the combat. It just wasn't very fun for me. To be fair a lot of it is my fault for one major reason: I was playing on hard and HAD to use snipers from afar. I don't care how OP you swear you are the shields in that game, even as far as I got them, always depleted…
You can't fool me. Tim Schafer has a big bushy beard.