
The scene is perfect now. Michael“I was in a Spike Lee movie so I’m now black”Rapaport’s character gets pummeled to death to the whitest rap song ever. (although I have not, and never will, listen to Elon Musk’s RIP Harambe, which could make Jump Around seem like Heed the Word of the Brother.)

It’s awesome. David Caruso before CSI. Understated Samuel L. Jackson and Nic Cage (as much as that can happen). Ving Rhames just being bad ass Ving Rhames. Michael Rapaport as a scum bag who gets beaten to death to the song Jump Around.

Read this post and also thought about this scene.

He just downloaded the new dating Prisonr.

I’m sure he has no regerts about that tatoo.

I guaran-fucking-tee that everyone one of these cracker mother fuckers hate Colin Kaepernick because he has “disrespected the veterans”.

Sure, NOW white people want equality.

Trump is DYING for Obama to speak out, so he can turn him into bullshit strawman to distract his garbage followers and the Fox shit machine. Obama knows this and is keeping silent for now.

Send him to jail and livestream the beatings.

Micheal Rapaport is not doing himself any favors with that moustache.

I’ll need to consult my doctor for my 4+ hour long schadenboner if this turns out to be true.

Remember when Nic Cage beat him to death in Kiss of Death?

Sure, a hotline to report criminal aliens but who do I call to report criminal time travelers? WHAT IS TRUMP HIDING?!

“They’ll get it right in about 50 to 100 years.”

their evil health care “replacement” died in 17 days.

Both G’s are silent.

This is what you have to do to be name checked in a Run the Jewels song?

Are we not doing “Yo Dawg” anymore?

Starred for rapenocerous.

her claim was dismissed, with the school telling her she did not grasp the “nuanced difference” between sexual assault and a medical procedure.