I have a high threshold of what I'm ok with Jimmy doing to make things work, but making a little old lady cry from feeling isolated is a bit too far.
I have a high threshold of what I'm ok with Jimmy doing to make things work, but making a little old lady cry from feeling isolated is a bit too far.
Now, does Jack make the big bucks thinking of punny ways to introduce products or do we think he's got a team of people who came up with making an entrance in a box and having boxers present? If its the latter, I think the AVC commentariat just found what they should be when they grow up.
I never really thought about how Jimmy's parents were just supposed to be all around decent people and their only real legacy was having 2 boys who only look out for themselves, albeit in very different ways. That story Jimmy told at the top of the episode significantly bummed me out.
I thought she teetered on the edge of it, but ultimately leaned towards believing it was just a way to screw with the minds of viewers. For one, if you're a diver, there's no way you are going to pass on a chance to dive off Australia, so it was a normal thing for her to want to do. Secondly, the character deserved a…
If you're going to spend the better part of an hour leaving your viewers with no fucking idea what is going on, no better person to spend that hour with then the show's MVP.
Next year we'll find out Martha and child are moving to a small town called Pripyat because Martha scored a nice job at this power plant known as Chernobyl.
Well holy shit. I never thought this show would bring me tears of happiness, but that's exactly what happened when I realized that they were giving Martha a daughter and that look of joy and hope took over Alison Wright's face.
Seriously, season 3 keeps bringing in the weird humor and I love it all the more for it. This time, and maybe it wasn't even intentional, but I was chuckling that Kevin just went with the first penile scan, but got indignant about having to do it a 2nd time(or maybe President Garvey was just more accepting of the…
Russ's douchey 90s bro persona is still fully intact with his personal soundtrack adding Live to the mix.
Watching the 2 of them go at it was fantastic. I hope this is just one of many show downs.
It's hard to say who owned this episode, Gillian Anderson or Crispin Glover, but I think we all win because of that. Quasi-related, I know that Shadow had some pressing Dane Cook questions he wanted answered, but it seems he should have been as much if not more freaked out by Dead Wife as he was by Media.
I don't think there was any coming back from that injury, but I don't know if Emmit's brain could have processed that or not. I do think he stood back and realized that if he's brother died, that'd be less of a problem for him and he wouldn't have to spend the rest of his lift worrying about a little brother that…
Despite all they were putting him through, I didn't actually feel bad for Emmit this season til he accidentally killed his brother. All Ray really wanted was a reason to be resentful and an excuse for his failure, how was Emmit to know he didn't really want the stamp.
Is it going to take Paige slitting her wrists to clue the Jennings in to how much pain she is in. If there's one good thing about Tuan being a cold blooded SOB is that the Jennings will start put real consideration into what's best for the kids they have, not their idealized version of them…that is if they don't have…
Apparently being unfunny unappealing twins is a lucrative trait to have in Hollywood. That or they have blackmail on producers or casting directors. I'm guessing the latter.
For a brief moment, I bought into Jimmy's bullshit, just up until that tear came out. Damn, that guy is good.
I may have screamed "LOG LADY!!" when she appeared on screen. I'm so glad they managed to film her into the return. I'm nervous that Wally is going to forever be someone mentioned and not seen, and if that's the case, I'm going to be pissed. With Andy for a dad, he's either dumb as a box of rocks or a genius, and I…
Poor Jared has been so conditioned by the boys that someone finally calls him by his real name and he corrects them that it has been changed. That both cracked me up and made me a little sad.
It's a bold choice with still 2 episodes left to have 3 of your central characters teetering on suicide, but what's most interesting to me about it, is that it's for entirely separate purposes. One is looking for lost family, one is looking to save the world, and one is looking for peace.
I'm not proud of it, but I rewound to be sure. What I'm not sure of is which of those would be worse.