Great coach. Kinda wish he wasn’t the highest paid public employee in the state, but that’s not on him.
Great coach. Kinda wish he wasn’t the highest paid public employee in the state, but that’s not on him.
Can’t stand Green (great player, etc., goes a little beyond the “want him on my team” to “prefer not to have him on my team unless we have to have him to win, a/k/a the Worm” situation).
I loved arcades, and I miss them.
Was looking for /s, but didn’t see it.
Yeah, lots of “christians” don’t pay much attention to what christ said. And the old testament god? He sucks.
To me, Draymond (in the current NBA) is a lot like Scottie Pippen was in the 90s, and that’s very high praise. I can’t stand him, but clearly an amazing player.
Gaaaawd, that’s hideous. I’d have gone simple and put “infor” on the jersey in red without the stupid box. the red would pop on an otherwise b/w uniform with the travesty they’re going to have. But the good news is no one will be paying attention to them because they don’t have any good players. Like, not one person I…
“Those are some bad dudes. Why was she hanging around them?”
Yep. I suspect we will see tax evasion and probably worse from a later batch, unless he pays up, which at this point he has to be at least contemplating. 1M pounds to make this go away seems a good deal, if you can be sure the offer is legit, which of course you can’t.
This. He was also a weird, kinda hard to appreciate player even during his prime. One of best dead-ball players, ever, particularly from long range where long free kicks became deadly header opportunities from his amazing deliveries. Also had a crazy good long distance shot, which he didn’t get to use nearly enough…
It’s pretty accurate picture of how inheirited wealth lives (profligately and badly).
Corporate America: always worse than you can imagine, for reasons frequently difficult to understand.
Wow Sage Steele comes across like a tremendous douche. She lost this weekend. Sad!
Pedophiles are extremely good at putting themselves into situations where they regularly interact with kids, which means coaches, teachers, priests, counselors, scout leaders, other parents, etc., all have to be watched by parents. It’s a reality, but I don’t think most people realize how likely a child is to be…
“It has become even a greater city over the past decade or so”
I mean the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.
Pretty sure that’s variations of the Eurohipsterish look.
Tough start for Aaron Brooks!
Dota is in a really good spot right now, and this was a great tournament all around. DC look really good, but so do OG, EG, VP, Wings....can’t wait for Kiev and this huge update to be figured out a little more.