
If you want to know if he is doing any of those things Google is free 🙄 stop making assumptions and look it tf up before you comment.

See...this is why I don’t subscribe to any beauty boxes I would keep everything and not use it and just have boxes of makeup around😂. This was nice it made me miss the old makeup blog Jezebel used to have.

God I miss MilliHelen😢😢😢 my makeup skills have improved drastically since it ended

Shun...nice...guys...sounds like some MRA stuff to me. Nice guys don’t actually have to be labeled as such I know guys who are nice...they don’t call themselves nice they show they are nice by being respectful and caring.

Yes exactly

I’ve heard rumors about him for years I am extremely disturbed and I support Anthony he is a favorite of mine from Rent

The answer is no...its not even remotely cultural appropriation and it really is just the fact that they hate her which is fine I hate her too my last straw was when she told her fans who were concerned about her defending racist ass Jeffree Star to leave him alone. So fuck her but I can also admit she killed that…

All of this!!!

On sight! Spit on me I’m beating your ass

You know what’s really pissing me off about this...its that RZA was aware of Azealia’s unstability and used that to lie on her and make her look even crazier. Russell spit on her and he let him and then made her look crazy! Black men are truly the white men of black people!!

Its bantu knots for sure idk what that person who said defined twist out was seeing. But anyways Black Panther is so lit and so black and so futuristic yass

Sooooo...I had a crush on Cole cause I fell right in the ahe range for Suite Life lol so I’ve been following him since I was 11... both he and Dylan got superrr hot. I approve of this message and I adore Riverdale...cause black Josie and the pussycats, Hot Archie, Hot Jughead and murders, gangs and intrigue?? Yes…

Violette and Nana! I almost put Nana on my list! Theodora is amazing and gets 0 play from the general romance community I feel like shes our little secret

An Extraordinary Union by Alyssa Cole

Yes! Lillian is my 2nd favorite wallflower after Evie!

It really was just that good!!

I like a good kinky romance and EL James writing was so terrible that I couldn’t even get past the first chapter.

Lisa’s Wallflowers series is such delicious historical romance fiction.... Devil in Winter is one of my favorite books ever

Clutches chest I love Mary!

Depends there is so much out there I’m sute people wil l tell you the obvious ones so let me throw out some woc’s names. Alyssa Cole, Alisha Rai, and Rebekah Weatherspoon who actually runs a site called wocinromance which puts a spotlight on lesser known authors of color. Just a suggestion.