Dorothy in the Streets Blanche in the Sheets

for prosperity

INB4 Trumpies calling anti-Zionists anti-Semites.

/sigh so so very sick of my coreligionists selling out American Jews for a militaristic Israel policy. And I think it’s a policy that’s likely to put my secular do their duty and serve in the IDF cousins in danger for a cause they don’t believe in.

Dear People of New York City,

Thanking the disenfranchised is really an extra boot to the teeth, isn’t it? It’s the bully who gleefully thanks you for your lunch money after he’s forcibly rifled through your pockets.

We have a clueless idiot for a president, at this point i would take president Comacho.

Thats why I pee in public...and shit in the woods.

required people to use the bathroom on their birth certificates

I remember when journalists used to investigate a story BEFORE releasing it to the public.

Secretary of the Navy because... water?

Don’t even joke about that. He’ll be made the Ambassador to Brazil or something.

Gross. Since she doesn’t even get to have a head in the first picture, it really feels like he’s just like “I put a baby in this hot baby receptacle.”

I’ve got my eye on Tammy Duckworth! Glad you brought her up.

Chris Murphy is great.

I’m not an American so I don’t know most politicians- but isn’t the lesson of Trump to go different and exciting- so what about Tammy Duckworth? The Democrats lost because not enough people showed up so there needs to be. A live candidate who inspires ie not another boring white man. Clinton’s problem was she wasn’t

Personally, when I am 80, I intend to be either fully dead or taking a watercolor painting class.

Julian Castro

Can we start a Grooming Pool here at Jezebel, with Tammy Duckworth, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Julian Castro, and whoever else we can round up in it?

I can’t wait to hear the genre of music that comes out of this.