In addition to what has already been mentioned, it’s important to remember that Narcissists generally view their children as extensions of themselves and also (naturally) never want to admit fault or weakness. So if he is on the spectrum, Donald would be absolutely loathe to admit it. Not that this proves he is on the…
Literal LOL.
I kicked in $11 to Jill but a bunch more to my man, Foster Campbell in LA. Once again...
Of course it is? Where did I say this wasn’t racist?
Did you read the article you just linked? Because I read it earlier today. The last paragraph gets into the thesis, which is that while there is likely an explanation other than hackers, they haven’t “debunked” shit, because, although the chances appear small, it could be hackers. But secondly, I’m not only concerned…
Well, hence the air quotes and the mention of spin.
Next, you’ll be suggesting that people from Union states might consider not flying the old stars’n’bars!
Oh, half my family is these people (which is why I’m probably only celebrating Hanukkah but not Christmas this year). So I can tell you the most likely “rationale” (or spin):
IDK if he really did force us to say that (though he’d now claim he did)— I feel like the Left said questioning results was totally democratic (and defended Al Gore in the process). They/we said only that what was undemocratic would be not ultimately accepting the results unless they were in our favor.
People do tend to be happy (or happier) with their local/regional politicians than what they perceive as the “national” government, though. This is why it’s pretty much always a given that people will say Congress Sux and keep reelecting their incumbent Rep/Senator.
I’m not sure I’ve seen this point made, but “his followers turning against him” IS NOT NECESSARILY A BOON TO THE LEFT.
As a 1) woman, who is 2) Jewish, married to a 3) non-citizen 4) brown man, with a 5, 6, infinity) brown daughter, I am amazed at what a close second my despair re: Freedom of the Press is to all my concerns about the rise of Neo-Nazis. But, holy shitballs, guys. This is capital-B Bad.
There’s truth in it.
Which brings us to another thing, mentioned in this very article, that very few Americans were ever taught— for many years, you could not become a naturalized American citizen unless you were white or black. Because of this, there were lot of court cases (in re Ah Yup, Ozawa, Singh Thind, etc.), some of which still…
YES PLEASE DONATE. As I recently wrote:
I just read this in an article from the NYT, from a woman who supposedly refuses to say for whom she voted— “I really don’t think it’s going to be that bad. I don’t think they are going to change gay rights, women’s rights or other people’s rights.”
I have literally, never once in my life, let the word “Dy*e” pass my lips. Not as a child, not in jest, not “ironically,” and not while quoting something. Fuck off.