
Meghan Trainor’s sleek in a structured jumper.

I’ve always wondered what Cory Booker would look like with a beard.

I have a ton of stories like this, many of which I’ve shared on Jezebel. My husband is always astonished when I tell him some of them (over the course of our 32-year relationship). To bolster my credibility, I also have many good friends from high school and college, and when I natter on and they’re around they’ll

Bitch please. Bernie Sanders is sitting on a pile of sexual harassment complaints. Don’t you dare try to save him from his deserved humiliation by dragging Kamala or Hillary - who ran the most diverse and equitable campaign in the history of the United States - into his bullshit.

I am a gay man. When I was in college I had one-night stand with a fellow collegian.

It feels so fucking to good to have brown representation on this site. Thank you. Seriously, thank you. 

My history teacher was in the military and served with dudes from the US while posted overseas. He gained their trust by telling them that dropbears aren’t real, then convinced them that koalas explode when caught in bushfires, because they eat eucalyptus leaves and are thus full of eucalyptus oil, making them highly

If it took you until 2019 and watching this documentary to realize the R.kelly was a pervert and that you should purge his music from your life then you are part of the problem

R. Kelly can go fuck himself. I hope he will finally receive the punishment he deserves.

It’s child pornography. 

What really pisses me off is this particular narrative, about how Liz Warren hasn’t used her position to strengthen the rights of Native Americans. Which is definitely *FAIR*, I will grant that.

I’m glad to see there’s so many comments hounding the Native American guy for having opinions on issues that are important to him as someone of native descent. It’s a good look.

You’re not interesting because you jerked off in front of women for decades. Why does that mean I have to listen to you? Why does that make you interesting. You didn’t get your career ruined by a vindictive creep. You spent 20 years harassing your colleagues and threatening them with retaliation and now I gotta

I am so excited for this stupid teen Netflix movie. I am 36 and have watched this movie like 10x already and I have no idea why I can not stop watching it.

Aw that's cute AF tho

OOoo you monster

Oh my god. The person who rips my book would have his balls fed to him through his nostrils. BOOKS ARE FRIENDS. RESPECT BOOKS, DAMMIT. Even my six and three year olds learned this lesson early.

KFC and cologne : (

Now playing

No veils! It makes me nervous just watching her. Veils, like capes, just don’t seem safe. Listen to Edna from The Incredibles.

Or blow away in a stiff breeze, like a cross between a sailing spider and the flying nun.