That’s actually pretty cool looking! I once had a one-piece suit with navy and white stripes. At the end of the day, I had a striped body. That was kind of weird, but a pattern like this would be fun for a few days.
That’s actually pretty cool looking! I once had a one-piece suit with navy and white stripes. At the end of the day, I had a striped body. That was kind of weird, but a pattern like this would be fun for a few days.
More like a giraffe.
Ugh, seriously. No wonder all those models look pissed off...they’re likely thinking “this is going to hurt like hell in a few hours....”
We have this new technique that allows you to do all sorts of things not doable with fabric... I know, let’s make it look exactly the same as if it was fabric!
Probably just the ghost of an unvaccinated child.
Someone at the Trump Organisation really hasn’t been thorough in reserving domain names:
Now THAT’S a proper tiara.
Just the pick-me-up I needed! Thx, boo! 😍
To be fair it was also the institution that outlawed slavery and made it stick across the entire planet.
Okay, see, what we’re not gonna do is treat Meghan Markle —a black woman who has some complicated thoughts about her being biracial—like Rachel Dolezal, a white woman who has appropriated black cultural stereotypes and lied to people for years about her actual heritage. Rachel Dolezal has two white as hell parents and…
...Sure, that’s why it happened. Couldn’t be because as a black woman she had the ability to choose some things in her wedding.
not her first time. judging by the total comfort with which she picked up and flung the shit, not to mention the force she shat with, i’d lay money she’s publicly protested like this before.
So I see she’s already had some coffee.
That’s like every Dunkin Donuts in New England after 10 p.m.
Maybe some vuvuzelas and the announcer screeching “Vooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwws” at the conclusion of the ceremony?
It would make a nice change if they’d replace the respectful, soporific tones of the Dimbleby-alikes they normally use with sports commentators. Maybe a couple of the horse racing announcers, or David Croft from F1.
Keep something handy to throw at those feral pre-teen sons for when they mock the proceedings. Make them watch if only for the history lesson. Contrast the changes since “the woman I love” era to now. I’ve been watching these spectacles since Charles and Diana.
Maybe usually means “I’m trying to be a good parent and not laugh in your little, dumb, adorable, face about how fucking stupid of a request that is. So maybe if hell freezes over you can have a gold plated golf club, that plays a recording of The Macarena played on a harmonica on an endless loop, and shoots flames…
“Our great financial team is in China trying to negotiate a level playing field on trade! I look forward to being with President Xi in the not too distant future. We will always have a good (great) relationship!”