Thank you for the fresh hell of new things to haunt my nightmares. :(
Thank you for the fresh hell of new things to haunt my nightmares. :(
Because people see “all natural” and automatically think it is better and best. Look at anti-vaxxers as a prime example. I have seen some argue that diseases like the Measles is all natural as opposed to vaccines that they do not consider to be all natural.
And yet the menace of the years
Look at the joy on those faces..
Ugh our kids did that to us too at that age when we tried to kiss them in public (even worse now as they approach their teen years).. Usually accompanied by a “git orrrrrrfff” (in an Australian accent) and leaning back and an attempt to back pedal out of our hugs..
I think this is what really hits home about this one. Okay, they are all awful, as any terrorist attack is horrific and hits home in some way.
Can just picture or imagine the hiss of ‘don’t touch me!’ emanating from that little, ermm, event. Like the video of his inauguration, when the camera caught that look on her face, like she’s silently telling him ‘I want to destroy you and kill you in your sleep by stuffing your squirrel like hair down your throat’..
Wow.. He even draws a circle at the bottom of his exclamation point. Like the little girls who dot their ‘i’ with a love heart.
Yes and no. As a mother of two boys and having often felt that pang of wanting a girl, looking back on it, I don’t think I could have coped with a girl. For one thing, girl’s clothing, even from newborn onwards, is decidedly pink in large quantities. And it is so trendy and just so, grown up when they hit toddler…
I always worry what my husband would write if something like this happened to either of us.. I suspect my doing the YMCA while crossing the road while we were out for lunch (while we were dating), because I saw a YMCA on a building a few blocks down, may make it in there.. The look of shock on his face and the whole…
This article makes no sense.. Jordan Horowitz handled it with absolute grace, cleared up the confusion and made sure Moonlight came onto the stage to accept the award they had won. He kept asking them to come up on stage. There was no bitchiness or sniping. He made sure credit went to where it was due. Your…
You should watch The Fall.. Dornan brings ‘the creep’ to new heights. Strangely, he really fit into that role. Or maybe not so strangely, because he does give off that vibe.
Good grief. All that gold. It hurts my eyes!
I’m “in the greys” so whatever.
If people want to get the nutrients they want from it, then yes, it should be eaten raw. But if they are cooked, they need to be cooked at a high enough temperature to destroy any potential bacteria or infection that it may have stored in it to stop said bacteria and infections from reaching the baby. Even freezing…
One of the things that continues to stand out in my memory during and immediately after the birth of my first child, was the midwife placing the big metal tub under my nose as I was trying to process what I had just experienced in pushing my son out of my vagina, and asked me if I wanted to keep “it”. Still in shock…
I am sorry for your loss. 16 years of age... I have two boys, 11 and nearly 10 years old respectively. I cannot even begin to imagine your loss. I feel like weeping at just the thought of it. I have no words of comfort for you as there are no words that could truly comfort this sort of loss. Just know that you…
There are indicators of an abusive relationship. Her having to give him her phone passcode, his possibly checking her phone. There is a history of controlling behaviour by him, documented in the other show, where his sisters tore him a new one for behaving badly towards her. In a way that is controlling and…
This happened not far from where I live and as you can imagine, my home state and town/region has been hanging on this trial. The defense argued that his ejecting her onto his balcony was his right as any home owner has a right to eject someone from their property at any given time. The prosecution tried to argue…
Ah this had me doing the ugly and loud laughter. This is pure gold. Absolute gold.