
Right.  If they had just given the hosting gig to Richards from the getgo without involving other “contestants,” people would have looked at it cockeyed, but they probably would have gotten away with it.  Perhaps Richards had enough pull to wrest the job in the end, but not without some snags along the way, which led

Sure, but this is jezebel.  The vast majority of articles are written by women.  Duh. 

I think you might be joking, but your other comments make me wonder if you are immensely ashamed to be male, so maybe your comment on the photographed man is somehow genuine? 

Your comment is strange. You are admitting that your husband more than pulls his weight in your marriage, right?

I am American, and I am surprised you think that we feel compelled to get married six months after meeting.  Where in the US have you lived?  I have only lived in large coastal cities. 

I am also wondering why you put up with that. Also, what does it mean to be “thrown out of the house”? Couldn’t you just refuse? This seems to be a thing which only women do to men. It is usually because of his infedelity, not because he complains about doing all of the housework.

Your post seems like complete self flagellation.

I am also a man and what you said resonated with me. It sounds like you are doing most of the chores, right?

There is a difference between randomly telling people that you are a good guy, and confiding to a friend something like, “I consider myself to be a good guy, decent looking, a good personality, and a good job, but I have enormous trouble getting a date and then a second date, and it feels so frustrating.” If your

Right, I don’t know why facebook is held so accountable.  If people plot something over gmail, should gmail be held responsible for that? 

I am actually very shocked that they physically attacked a young woman.  Clearly, the young woman was attacked, but I have to wonder who is more likely to face violence, a young woman like her, or a big man? 

Here is a more lighthearted story about “Ugh, Texans.” 

The article repeatedly speaks of “teens this and teens that,” and yet the questions seem to only be about teenage girls, and NOT boys.

Useless men have confidence. They are basically saying, “I will not do chores, and you will put up with it, because I am just that awesome and being my wife is totally worth it.” That takes a lot of confidence which women are attracted to.

I am a man, here are some thoughts on this matter:

1. men being trained: I think that nowadays few adults never live alone. I have a hard time believing an adult man doesn’t know how to do laundry. On the other hand, I am noticing that a lot of adults pretty much never cook. They eat microwavable meals or get takeout every single day. When it comes to cleaning the

I am a man and I had the same thought. I am inclined to believe the women’s perceptions are more accurate.

I had an economics professor in college whose primary research area was the effects of Vietnamese immigrants on the US nail salon industry.

Isnt Elder a libertarian?  I dont’ know how much he adheres to libertarianism, but aren’t libertarians totally unfascist? 

Who will play Rodman? He has an unusual appearance, and is 6'8". Finding someone who can physically play Rodman AND has the acting chops will be very difficult. Also, does will this movie portray Jordan, Pippen, and all the rest? Even finding someone to play Phil Jackson will be tough. I wonder if Phil Jackson can