Does that mean you believe that some people deserve to be killed by other people?
Does that mean you believe that some people deserve to be killed by other people?
This article seems needlessly negative.
I always root for the team from the city I would rather live in. I have been to neither Phoenix nor Milwaukee, and neither seems that appealing. I chose Milwaukee.
Why is it usually women?
They all seem to young and not serious enough for me to think they were too terribly done wrong by this guy.
Karen is so much more specific and more amusing.
Karen chasing woman with camera around the store, 3:35:
What?! I have heard of guys creating fake girlfriends to avoid being mocked for being single. I am a male teacher, and yes, I have invented a fake gf to avoid being called a “faggot” multiple times per day. IT DIDN’T Work!!
I am a man and I wonder why the Cool Girl concept angers so many women.
How often did you hear those stories as a kid and teenager?
How did you find out about the “frigid” comment? Did the “confidante” tell you? I would think that the comment would backfire on the hot man. Wouldn’t most people respond with, “You’re fucking married!”
I am a middle school teacher (math) and I am shocked that girls and boys were assigned different books.
I don’t think my last point was wondering when to fully open up to women. It was me disliking it when women on first or second dates probe when it feels intrusive. Asking me super personal questions early in dating makes me uncomfortable. It makes me wonder if they are genuinely curious about me, or if they are just…
To me, it seems more like that than racism.
I am a man, here are some thoughts:
Bill Cosby turns 84 in 10 days. I don’t think there would be too many opportunities even if none of these crimes happened.
Quentin Tarantino:
When I was a 26 year old man I dated a 19 year old French au pair. She was a regular customer in a cafe I worked in. She and her friend, another French au pair would come to see me.