The examples she gives are things she, and nobody, actually need or deserve: holding doors open, carrying her groceries.
The examples she gives are things she, and nobody, actually need or deserve: holding doors open, carrying her groceries.
Offer to carry her groceries? Really?
The Confederate flag incident was in 1984. Feinstein was in the Senate by 1994.
I went to Galileo, and when I heard about this I also thought it was stupid.
In 2010, the US military was using ex-Nazi military bases?
“any soon-to-be 20-something celebrity mother would,”
I wonder what are the chances that she will be now have more fully-clothed blowjob scenes in her future?
Rand Paul would argue that the fired black teens would be replaced by machines, not white people.
And how did you react?
I kind of think that I see more men either A) not wearing a mask, or B) not covering the nose.
“He has waited most of his adult life to ascend to the throne.”
Does Kim even have a college degree? And can you read the law without even an undergraduate degree?
A returner never broke through and forced you to try to make a tackle?
Is “relieved from teaching duties” the same thing as “fired”? You seem pretty careful about using that term.
I am so surprised that so many people are disappointed in this movie. Gal Gadot is so incredibly hot.
How much debt do you have? What field are your degrees in? What are “desirable jobs” you cannot get? And what are the “undesirable jobs” you can get, but do not want?
“my republican aunt on the other hand believes most people with student loan debt had terrible parents who allowed them to study liberal arts instead of engineering. And that’s a debate that’s not even worth getting into due to how stupid it is.”
I was hoping that Joe Biden would be the president who gets things done because he shouldn’t be worried about reelection. Yes, I realize that if Joe goes totally Mavericky, that can hurt his successor’s chances in 2024.
This article said that Trump cancelled student loan interest 3 times in 2020. Did that happen to you? Even if it did, your statement of ‘my balance has not decreased a penny” would still be true.
Forrest Gump is a bad example as the film spans decades. Sally Field was probably too old to play the mother of 5 year old Forrest.