
I went and bought The Last Story at Gamestop. The clerk must have somehow knew I didn’t want to be sold a strategy guide, preorder anything, or hear about his opinion on the game, because he silently rang me up and told me to have a nice day as I left.

I don’t preorder games unless I get fantastic deal on it, and I never kickstart anything. Though to be honest, I’m old and still get cranky about DLC most of the time. The only DLC I’ve ever justified in buying was The Last of Us Left Behind DLC.


This was a time where alcoholism and homosexuality were considered mental illnesses.

I’m for sure buying this when it comes out, even if I haven’t finished FC yet, and probably won’t unless I find some more free time.

Nintendo, like most Japanese video game companies, tends to prohibit its staff from speaking to the public about its inner workings unless they are given explicit approval from their communications teams both in the U.S. and Japan.

I always loved this game, and I always will.

I know how you feel. I want Cuphead almost enough to buy an X1 for it.


Rare replay is 2 weeks away, but I agree. I would have paid 30 bucks alone just to replay Jet Force Gemini, and the collection has another 29 great games to boot! Will be borrowing a friend’s Xbox One to check it out...

Yikes, bad week for Xbox gamers.

My eyes drifted there first as well. Curse my basic primal instincts as a male!

I love Witcher 3, but this is hilarious and true.

Shadow of the Croissan’wich

Great article showing how games can be a coping mechanism. I hate that this person went through this but am glad he found a way to come out of this situation stronger.


They spent so much time thinking how they could do a Borderlands 2 port on Vita that they didn’t ask if they should do a Borderlands 2 port on Vita. I don’t hate Iron Galaxy, I actually quite like Dave Lang. I just am surprised from a business standpoint that they keep getting major porting deals. The only two port

After the disaster that was the Borderlands 2 Vita port, how is Iron Galaxy still finding work?

Driveclub has a dedicated community on NeoGAF, but pretty much everyone else hates it and Evolution for what has become the biggest SNAFU with the current generation. There is no amount of damage control that can save this game, or Evolution at this point. Sorry guys.

Tip #1: Don’t play it on PC.