@alexsea: well, you basically said that a Windows 7 tablet would never get the same performance and battery life as an iPad. Asus is due to prove you wrong with the eePad. Then we'll see if it was a reasonable comparison.
@alexsea: well, you basically said that a Windows 7 tablet would never get the same performance and battery life as an iPad. Asus is due to prove you wrong with the eePad. Then we'll see if it was a reasonable comparison.
@CaptainJack: No they won't.
@alexsea: Yeah, because there's no way we could ever see a Windows 7 device with a 10+ hour battery life, now is it?
¿Can someone please explain why we need flying cars?
So ¿what if Obama visits the UAE? What about his Blackberry?.
-Honey, can you leave that Xbox alone ang go get some milk, please?
@SewerShark: Actually, that would be a turd wrapped in plastic film so it smells a little bit less.
@turleymuller: Apple never claimed that they invented videocall either, but when Jobs and Yve demoed FaceTime, they where behaving like it was the first Videocall ever made:
@SewerShark: Not quite. Unlike Apple, Microsoft does acknowledge the problem.
@Nitemancometh: ¿did you try that with ONE SINGLE FINGER?
@Peter Shultz: You're mistaken. He said "one percentual additional dropped call"(lookout: he said "percentual", not "percentage")
@deciBels: Movies, as opposed to games, have different revenue sources: Theaters being the actual primary one. ¿why do you thing the studios are pushing the 3D thing so hard?
@tvcity6455: You're making it too complicated, that's why they don't understand. Let me assist:
@Svirfneblin: No, it doesn't apply. It's a matter of semantics, actually. If by Death, you mean "The end of existence", then it would apply, since when you die, everything you are, including your bonds with others, cease to exist.
What's funny is that all these people act based on the believe that technology can only get more advanced in the future. Well, they may or may not be idiots, but sure they don't know about history. ¿haven't they even heard of the middle ages?
Plan for exceeding all sales records yet (by Apple):