
I have equal respect for both, but I think Black Thought is top 3 or 5 ever.

Here’s the problem - if they got rid of the racism, they wouldn’t be able to keep their base. Remember, the white “Christians” who make up the modern GOP voters only support the GOP’s dismantling of the social safety net because they are convinced that the ni- I mean, thu-, I mean ‘welfare queens’ will be screwed over


“Love They Neighbor,” and “Help the poor,” were two central tenants to Jesus philosophy and are a part of the core teachings. Both were discussed at length in the Bible. Abortion was discussed very little, and not consistently negatively or even explicitly. But somehow they claim to know how to prioritize better than

She voted for him because she wants tax cuts pure and simple. She can try to hide behind God and that Christian mumble jumble, but she got a little bit of money and wants to keep it.

Galatians 5:22-23 NIV

If she’s upset at the flack she’s getting, then why in the HELL would you make it public knowledge that you voted for the shyt-head, boorish, SOB as POTUS? Most Christians use the term “Christian” like it a “Get-out-of-Jail” free card to excuse their piss-poor decisions.

“I didn’t really like either of the candidates, if I’m being honest, but I had to vote” - fuck anybody that prefaces their defense of voting for him like this. Also F her & ppl that are still using their religion as a crutch for not making informed choices & being terrible citizens of this planet.

Very good article. You were able type in a way that I wasn’t able to fully articulate my frustrations with why conservatives automatically think they are a party of Christian values. That’s not to say that Democrats are either, but they are not popularly linked with that ideology the way that conservatives are.

“Voting for a racist, sexist demagogue who literally hates everything I am was worth it so I could tell other women what they should do with their God given autonomy. Because God hates women who have abortions, but he loves serial molesters who walk in on underaged girls in dressing rooms, grab women by the pussy, and

You have to admire how, after Charlottesville, Trump isn’t even pretending to not be a racist piece of shit.

As an addendum, Russell Wilson released a personal statement on the matter:

No one talks about it because it’s not about business, at least not originally, it’s about police brutality and racial justice, which affects people of color no matter how much they have in the bank. Good grief, indeed.

He used to sponsor the Tour De Trump bicycle stage race in the US, yet another one of his colossal failures that somehow has convinced the rubes he’s a business genius.

Hey man, if anybody knows what’s good for football it’s an elderly man who watched A COUPLE MINUTES the other day!
Also someone who pretty much single handedly destroyed another professional football league.

okay, don’t start attempting to make Aaron Hernandez a face of CTE. Please. Just like you shouldn’t use Charles Manson as your face of mental disorders.

Kyrie is that high-school stoner who is clearly a little too pleased with how profound he thinks he’s being.

I tried, but the words and numbers started coming together and I felt like Neo looking at the Matrix for the first time.

Looks like that whole situation could have been easily avoided. That’s why on Sundays I always choose football over spending time with my kids.