Bob Loblaw

On hearing that, a tearful Charles Sr. said that his son was the best cousin a brother could have.

Duffy was, of course, an idiot for this. He fucked up royally (pun intended) and let down a lot of people.

Having the sick impulse to call the cops, from the site of one of the worst flood disasters in American history, to report victims of that flood for looting a supermarket; but also: a crime

Is there possible headline for article that not made sadder by addition of “at Burger King” to end of it? Just look at today’s headlines:

He passed out with foot on brake or neutral.

It’s the only way a Royal can get runs lately.

I’m a Christian but I always view televangelists as shysters. Just seems like everyone of them is a con artist. They never to speak to the spirit in me.

I laughed way too hard at this guy who clearly has never picked up a cat in his life.

Yep, my baby went through a brief phase of this recently where she’d kick off of you with her feet at the same time she’d throw her head backwards over your arms and twist her body. Surprisingly strong combination! I just started putting her down in the crib whenever she did it and she’s mostly done now, or at least

Ugh they do that weird thing where they just sort of go backwards out of friggin nowhere.

When my oldest was a two-week-old newborn, I had him in his carseat, on the floor, next to the piano, where I sat on an inflatable rubber donut (omg the pain from that birth) and practiced for an upcoming audition. I didn’t know yet about having the arm of the carseat I when I picked up the carseat to move

Don’t forget:

My friends wife didn’t want to buckle up one time in my car because the buckle was kinda stuffed down in the seat. After a little back and forth i told her “Look if we end up in a crash you are nothing but a meat cannon ball that could kill the rest of us. I’ll wait” I engineer seatbelts for a living. TRY TO TELL ME

Once you click the headline, they’ve won. No need for proof reading!

So true. Deadspin’s finest journalism is written by other people, decades ago.

“Michael said in a statement issued on August 19, ‘I never wavered from my conviction that Dad’s death was a random act of violence.’”

I intentionally mispronounce it as “Dad” and do it for the kids when they get annoying. It’s been a decent motivator to keep them on their toes. They are not interested in their friends seeing me “dadding”. I’ve also threatened to break out the cabbage patch or running man if necessary.

Parents who don’t want to discipline their kids should be forced to watch all this guy’s stuff.

Do you think Mike Tyson could kill Mayweather and McGregor 1 on 2 in a bare knuckles match? Id pay to see that.

Why does she even want visitation? She clearly doesn’t give a fuck about the child as evidenced by this case; why does she want to see him?