
The problem is that the Internet has become too easy to use so now every goddamn backwoods racist redneck asshole with a cellphone can post their bullshit to Twitter.

I'll wait for the blu-ray so I can watch it with blankets and appropriate intermissions for snack replenishment.

Agreed about the awesomness of the jet engine on the elbows of the Jaegers to give greater punching power. The computer sounds a lot (almost exactly?) like GLaDOS from Portal. I wonder if they licensed the voice or if GLaDOS will get a screen credit as "computer"?

Why is it that nowadays everyone wants to know everything about a movie before they sit down and watch it? I like being surprised by a movie and watching it unfold before my eyes without me already having seen everything in the trailer.

That episode of Adventure Time was pretty twisted. A friend told me she felt like she needed to wash her eyeballs after watching it. Best show on TV, I think.

I nominate Rainer Werner Fassbinder's 1973 German TV movie, "World on a Wire". Don't let the fact that it's a TV movie fool you; it was released as a Criterion Collection DVD and its influence can be felt in many classic sci-fi movies that followed it.

NASA's attempt to make space flight interesting to pre-liberation housewives.

That's awesome. How did no one think of this sooner?

Carrie Fisher denied this on Twitter today.

The obstinate, right-wing anti-logic of "we don't want women to have abortions and we don't want families on welfare but we won't do the one thing that common sense tells us will reduce unwanted/unplanned pregnancies" confounds me, and the brilliant analogy in your last paragraph perfectly illustrates the lunacy of

A lot of the criticism of Prometheus can be explained away if, you know, you actually paid attention to the movie. For example, the moon the movie is set on is not the same as the one in Alien, so it's not a direct prequel.

It seems to me that there should be a way of letting the system know ahead of time that the stream will be legitimately using copyrighted material so that if the robots are triggered then the termination request will be sent to secondary review by a human before any action is taken. If a user were to abuse this

Star Wars by way of Blade Runner. Cool.

I would like to see the original animated series re-animated. It already has most of the original cast doing the voices and the stories are interesting (in some cases, more interesting that TOS). The only thing lacking is decent animation. Just imagine those episodes if they were animated using modern techniques. It

I saw that at Comic-Con this year. It wasn't signed, maybe it wasn't a promotional version/was a reprint, but it wasn't anywhere near $8,000.

It was probably good you left out the Boba Fett wearing only his helmet and hot pants.

*** Spoilers ***

Tim Burton said Dark Shadows had a unique vibe but this trailer is not it. I've seen over 400 of the 1200+ episodes of Dark Shadows and except for the character names & a general plot outline, this looks nothing like it.