
Are we getting a Rocko movie or just a Nickelodeon movie with Rocko in it? Because I thought it was the later

Honestly Radical Dreamers is a big one for me. The game itself was surrounded by mystery alongside it being focused on the most mysterious character in Trigger. I spent countless hours with a game genie on CT walking through walls trying to find some lost way to add Schala to my party. RD was like this amazing lost

You forgot to mention that Hypno abducts children. God only knows what it does with them.

Ok now I watched the trailer and I’m even more lost. I didn’t think it literally meant alternate universe as in you go through a portal to an alternate universe. Jesus Christ konami pull your heads out of your asses. This games garbage already, this is the most desparate attempt to cash in on a name I’ve ever

What the actual fuck is this? Wormholes?

I don’t even care about the delay, I just want my FF7.

Well it was meant as a joke, the main thing I was getting at is that he’s a terrible character and really throughout the storyhe does nothing to solve his problems and instead gets caught up in other peoples issues effectively making his own worse and ending up dead.

Honestly if Tidus were a real guy I had to work with everyday I’d kick him in the dick. I know Dunkin Donuts employees with deeper more depressing backstories than him and they handle it like men, with whisky and cigarettes.

Do these work with a pc?

Ya know, I used to love Beyond Good and Evil but now that I’m an adult all the blatantly obvious literary references just make the game seem like some pretentious colleges students wet dream and this is coming from a guy with a Nietzsche tattoo.

Ok I have a question. This is awesome and all but won’t this dramaitcally set them back like ten years in the market compared to Sony and Microsoft? I’m not a big graphics guy but lets be honest that does push product also the whole reason the 64 lost to the PS was due to cartridges lacking the same storage space as

“It’s a dead system” Vita is Latin for life lol

This is awesome and all but it needs wireless controllers, I mean really Nintendo it’s 2016.

Silhouette had boobs, I go were boobs go. Team Valor.

So is this like hd rereleases for the new consoles and pc? Also is there any of the slighest possibilities of a Bioshock 4?

I always liked the semi open world thing they had going in Sonic Adventure I’d like to see that come back along with the style of SA2. It would be nice if you got to chose your character too but more like Sonic 3 where you could be Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles but it didn’t change the stages just the way you maneuver

Before I read anything I totally thought that was a legit Dr Orpheous action figure

Maybe Squenix will outsource Chrono Break to him.

I like here Suicidal Tendencies cap.

I don’t think it will be a direct adaptation. It will probably be like SAC where they take parts of different stories to create something new.