I love 7 and I love Sephiroth but can agree that a lot of this movie sacrificed good story telling for fan service.
I love 7 and I love Sephiroth but can agree that a lot of this movie sacrificed good story telling for fan service.
I always thought Steve Blum would be a better Cloud than Vincent.
They really made it a pint to talk about Slippy’s fancy new visors. Anyone else thinking that’s a hint at Nintendo’s first Oculus Rift supported game?
At least someone is.
Hey I live here!
Ever since Squenix bought Eidos I’ve been dying for more Raziel in my life.
So uh is anyone else wondering if all 4 chaos gaurdians will be in this?
He’d make a good Locke.
Then you aren’t trying hard enough.
I always wanted to see a Cloud Strife Spiderman teamup.
Uh doink.
Oh my god.
I don’t know judging my those clips I’d just call it “Big Empty Warehouse”.
I don’t know how far you got in this last time you played it but I think that this game had the best stylistic approach to dungeons out of any Zelda game to date. Each dungeon is themed and doesn’t make you feel like you’re in just another dungeon collecting another weapon. I don’t mean the typical water dungeon, fire…
Wait really? I saw that one youtube and immediately turned it off thinking it was a fan video that someone added “this is halloween” to. Shit squareenix, I love ya but get your head out of your collextive ass.
What didn’t you like about Identity Crisis? I was really into it. It showed the real lives of lesser heroes and how they not only had to deal with serious issues but also hide certain things from the big three. Also the explanation of why Dr Light had been such a goofy character was really well executed.
I like it.
Thay didn’t do a Cloud one yet did they? I don’t really follow the amiibo thing but i really like that smash representation of Cloud and would like to get one.