
Ok I see what you're saying but it is just an HD port in that they didn't change the poly count but still the textures and it looks like the lighting was updated really makes all the difference. I will say that as the trailer goes on the game looks less refined, the first couple scenes look better then anything else

Now playing

There's a trailer for this that opens with a scene from the psp that swipes to the same scene in HD, it is so drastically different. The game actually looks closer to 13 then a psp game.

I really hope they go out of their way to add more thematic elements of the series to 15 to make it feel like a just addition. I mean there's always enemies, spell names and the prelude but like 9 had many nods to all its predecessors to really honor the title Final Fantasy. I think that's something that could really

This is the greatest news this game could have gotten. Type-0 was so amazingly good that I have full faith that Tabata could save the franchise and take it in a new and excellent direction. I'm crazy happy about this!

So wait does this mean we can start modding it?

Because I'd really like to play it with those CG looks as the in game graphics.

Psycho Mantis should have a cross between a Scyther and Alakazam.


This should be the Premise for the next DBZ movie. This perfect cyborg Bulma has become madly power drunk and shows up in Gokus timeline. Then Sayan God Goku has to top his own skill by Space/Time traveling to study under Bardock on prehistoric planet Vageta. Then he'll get some new power with a tail and wizardry and

I really wish this was on PC.

Some of them were great like Crisis Core, Type-0, Tactics, and Dissidia but personally I can't think of much more outside of those and the mainline 14 that I'd consider great or even ok games. I know X-2 gets a lot of love and that's fine but 79 games all sharing the same title with almost nothing in common, even

Yo ya know what's insane about this article? The fact that Squenix managed to throw together at least 60 final fantasy games (doesnt matter which ones) that no one cares about yet they can't respectively give us a fourth Chrono trigger (third if you want to go cannon).

What was that fan remake of Metal Gear that Konami approved and then canned? Maybe this will have an official version of that with Snake voice by David Hayter.

It's good to have hope and dreams.

This post just made me miss my ex that would've actually worn this stuff. Thanks Kotaku.

type-0 has a lot of what you want it's great. There's secret dungeons to just happen to find and explore on your own, story is solid, plus a city and dungeon you can't even reach until your second play through. Great replay value.

if they want a successful 2016 release for this it better come packed with a demo disc ( yes disc ) for a 2017-18 ff7 release. That'll sell the crap out of it and say "hey we were doing both this whole time". It'll excuse a lot of this bs

Honestly have no idea. Maybe the guy that plays John Snow in GoT.

It's an hour and a half long movie, opens with a Colossus battle with a narrative driven by the antagonist. The first half hour fleshes out most of the story with the princess and the prophets while he's on his way to the next Colossi. Second half hour wraps that up has another Colossi battle and establishes that with

I've been playing Dissidia 012 and I've found the AI in that is pretty well rounded. It might have something to do with the unique fighting system (It's pretty bizarre if you haven't played it) but with two even leveled fighters it's not hard for the AI to gain the upperhand or at least look pretty unpredictable.

Honestly this is really the best game in the series since 9. I'm glad to hear they're localizing it for us and I'll look forward to playing it again. If XV is similar in tone to Type-0 then it'll probably be great I'd just like to see these both come to Steam, it'd be a great market to tap into with the new releases.

Always happy to see some love for Links Awakening.