
I thought cartoon network aired the Sailor Stars series? Am I confused?

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I always thought this was pretty cool, kinda close I guess.

I feel like I'm one of six people in the world that doesn't care about Dr Who. Geek culture has somehow gotten away from me.

With the recent exception of the iOS 5&6 Squenix remakes have always been masterful. 4-6 on GBA was better than the originals same with the DS Chrono Trigger. I'm sure the FFX mixes are better too.

I think the only way to do justice to a Chrono Trigger remake is to make it (visually) an HD Legend of Mana. That art style would be perfectly adapted to Chrono Trigger. I think at this point if they went the DBZ route the game would actually lose a lot of it's charm.

This is extremely off topic but I just read that you said FF4:The After Years was the worst FF game in your review of it. I've been playing the ios version for about two weeks and am really interested in your article, I'm sure it's super archived being from like six years ago but can you link me to it?

Princess Lana is the most important character on that list.

Get me a Cutman and I'm sold.

This shouldn't even be an issue. Just buy the game and when they make the second one they'll include the gay bit for the whiny masses.

I feel like "Hangry" is the appropriate term.

The writings "Great" in an overly dramatic, blown out of proportion kinda way. It's like each one just seeks to be crazier than the last. It's wonderful.

This ones my favorite by far.

I haven't played GZ yet but I'm pretty sure it didn't go that deep into her background, it's possible she's not a complete villain. Shit throughout Phantom Pain it might be revealed that Big Boss is already the villain at this point and we're just playing his story. Like I said before it's Metal Gear, it's crazy

Yo I'm into it. I don't think it's that farfetched considering this is Metal Gear we're talking about. Besides Vamp was gay and the President grabbed Raidens Balls.

Megan Fox as Relina Peacecraft in a Gundam Wing movie, I'm sold. Make it a a quadrilogy where each movie features the successive upgrades of the Talgeese, except the third that get's the Epion. Seriously if you go back and watch the show now it really hasn't aged well despite being a classic. Unless Hollywood made

If they're going to keep making sequels I'd like to see one from a game that hasn't had one yet like 8 or 3.

It's essentially this:

Everyone's so quick to play the whole "Well duh" statement but we gotta realize that this guy only took over for Wada like what, two years ago? Wada would've been the one leading the mentality that gamers don't want the traditional JRPG. Since then as far as I can tell Squenix has seriously pulled their heads out of

It's been awhile but I'm pretty sure because of the addition of the CQC in MGS3 (This was a major change in the series, learn the moves early on it'll change the way you play completely) it's a little more complicated than just coming up behind him. There are little move sets you can use to grab and drop enemies, you