
Can I use those to make a web comic, this articles inspired me.

That logic isn't applicable in a game where the American empire can exist in 4000 bc.

If Kotaku didn't cover these things we would never hear about them and if we didn't hear about them we wouldn't get them anyway. You can't blame the journalists for how Square Enix reacts to public opinion of a project that infringes on their IP.

What is this!?

I wish I knew about this shop, I would've thrown this together sooner.

How is this relevant?

Also, NIN is kinda garbage.

Green's like the number 2 in binary.

Check out the Cuboner.

Ya know this is cool and all but if Square Enix really wants to back something that'll get me off then how about an HBO style FFVII show like Game of Thrones.

Damn that's cool. I used to work at a mens wearhouse and I'd push his suits all the time, up until this moment I had no idea he made a game.

Wait, Marc Ecko as in the fashion designer?

I want a third one of these so bad.

Now that was some horror shit right there. God what I wouldn't give to play that for the first time again.

What's up ass bow?

You're right, from what I've seen that cartoon really carried that premise. I'd personally just really like to see Adam West in on the action again.

Am I the only one out there that wants an Arkham style game that takes place in the world of 60's Adam West Batman where Gotham is more like a groovy Hollywood freakshow? I mean I'm sure you could easily get Adam West and Burt Ward behind a project like that. Just imagine every time you punch a guy little comic

No dumber than Darth Vader being Lukes father.

That made me laugh way more than it should have.

I'm willing to bet everyone buying it is just using it as a hack toy rather than buying games on it.

Meh all the major publishers do. As much as I want the remake of FF7 you know Squenix is tired of hearing it, same goes for Megaman Legends 3. There's tons of that shit in the industry the problem with Fish's scenario is that he's one guy where as most other people taking the heat are full blown publishing companies