I love the Boys of Silence!
I love the Boys of Silence!
I like the words you say sir!
This is easily one of the best things I've ever witnessed.
No one likes America any more. We're jerks.
It wasn't long after learning to cook that women evolved noses.
Does anyone know how much time is spent one one of these?
This is all amazing work. Seriously.
So that's what they call that thing, eh?
I like that "right to be a shithead" part. Total 'merica.
I'm sorry you had to suffer through little league.
In a world where industrial design hasn't advanced since 1982!
Cools, thanks.
Cool, thanks!
Patricia, as an artist of the non minimalist kind is it possible to get some of my work featured on Kotaku? No sarcasm intended, legit question.
This is the exact reason I have never and may never end up playing the Half Life series. I hate the keyboard/mouse combo and just can't get into it.
Ya know, I had someone try to convince me that Dragon Age was "What Final Fantasy 12 should have been." so I gave it a good two hour try. During those two hours all I got was some temporal space intro dungeon and more questions than a creepy prying girlfriend. Like seriously I love games like Fallout with the whole…
From what I've seen I really like the setting for this one. The world looks more like a throwback to 8's cities like Dollet with like a European architecture style and really beats the hell out of the plastic look of like Balamb Garden and pretty much every thing in 10 and 13.
^ relevant user name.
Why not?
It suffers from a mistranslation with the word clone. There are no actual clones of Sephiroth just people infused with Jenova cells but the translators at the time used the terms synonymously. It's an excellent game but even more than a graphical update it needs a re translation.