
Don't get me wrong I like them, they just lose the charm when they're all over the place. In, 6,7,and 8 they were like a mysterious little treat.

I know, Fran raises all sorts of ambiguous about personal sexuality. I always just was like "ok so in this world Hue Hefner is a sky pirate and the playboy girls are literally bunnies. Can I slay dragons and ride Chocobos? Ok, I'll take this ride."

The Wookie Life Day is exactly the kind of crap I'd expect from Moogles. I used to love Moogles in 7 because there were like three and they were rare magical little things. 5 and 9 though are just crawling with them.

12 was that to the max. It even had a female Chewy for the Han Solo character to have sex with.

Wow looks great so far. Don't know how I missed it, thanks Frogfro.

New Monolith RPG you say?

Does anyone else think the cat suit is kinda weird?

When they first announced this I was all sorts of excited but since then, this trailer included, I haven't seen anything new and I'm kind of afraid that this is just going to be LttP with the added wall drawing gimmick. Which as alright as that sounds and as much as I love Lttp, I don't want to play the same game over


Are these done in Photoshop or something else like Illustrator?


Well if you do play it please let me know. I was hoping it'd be a return to the classic FF style but I'm not sure.

Last Story was their most recent game. I heard it was good but I don't own a Wii so it was all under the radar for me.

I will never understand why people love ten so much.

Was this made by the same guy that did Mark of the Ninja? They seem a bit similar.

Does Venom in Spiderman 3 count? He was just so thoroughly vaporized it was like Sam Raimi was just promising us we'd never see Venom in a movie again. It was painful.

I didn't know Quickman was in this game!

There had those names in the cartoon as well.

See things like this bother me. Why waste your time trying to do a graphical update on a graphically limited rom? There are all sorts of tools out there to hack Super Mario World so why not just use the engine and graphics from that game to recreate all the levels of this game?

I wonder the same thing for Links