
It had Mohammedans trying to blow people up, nothing illogical about that.

Sean William Scott was in Goon and Role Models, I say he is the most successful by far.

You missed a great chance to say "Rome was sent to Elysium"

I also prefer Mussulman, and to a lesser extent Mahometan

It is the government policy of Mohammedan countries to execute atheists. When they stop killing people, I'll give a shit about feelings.

If only it were possible for Mohammedans to stop killing people for not believing in their magical sky fairy.

I say we use a massive nuclear strike to end the stalemate

They don't show any stink so it's a waste of money.

When Muslim countries stop executing atheists, I'll start giving a shit about people's feelings.

I say it to my mother all the time

No, I'm 30 and I think it's all crap too. It's about using language to devalue the lives of white people with terms like "whitesplaining"

Shut up you fucking retard

Wide open enough to see his tiny Irish cock while he stood up

This reminds me of when I was little and my grandpa would poop with the door open

Guys farting are disgusting. It's the sweet butt trumpet symphony of hot women that I am interested in.

I think Rusty Cole working at the police department in Fargo would be the best of both worlds.

That's not how the law works but that's how the police work.

I don't. I'm just glad it was a mailman shooting someone who deserved it instead of random people at the post office.

I liked Budge and Pepper as characters, but I don't see how they could exist outside of this story. Imagine them trying to interrogate someone, or raid a house and get in a shootout.

Seriously, one of them was watching the rear sling blade wouldn't have been able to get the drop on them.