
I'll join that team. Look, you want to have sex in a car in the middle of the day? More power to you. But sometimes someone will see that and be offended. And, yeah probably the whole thing centered on the cop thinking he was a john and she was a hooker. But if they were in fact having sex in a car in a major urban

The person who called the cops in the first place was probably motivated by race but I think the cop handled the situation well. When this story first broke i was expecting a whole different kind of conversation but the cop seemed professional to me. He was called to investigate a potential crime, either

I'm fully #TeamNoOne on this one.

Yup, if a person uses the term "race card" unironically, there is a 100% chance they are an idiot and a 99.75% chance they are a bigot.

I don't know. After reading the transcript it doesn't seem to me that the police officer was out of line. In fact it sounds like he was being very patient with someone who wanted to make a scene. I'm not saying that race doesn't play a part but not sure this was the issue this time. She also sounds like a child

Everything else about this aside:

Upon reading the transcript, this officer is crazy patient. She is being the worst.

Using the phrase "bringing up the race card" as this cop did isn't even a red flag warning of racism. It's a huge, flashing neon sign that says "THIS IS ABOUT RACE."

Like Sean Kemp isn't bringing his kids into the bar.

Definitely not. Having worked in the welfare system and seen these reports over and over, there's a very high bar to clear for CPS to do pretty much anything. I remember a file on a guy who'd been accused of sexual abuse close to 10 times, with identical circumstances each time, and they had to file all of them as

Beating a woman is not a mistake. Are you familiar with abuse, the women are often too afraid to tell anyone. Also she likely relies on him for financial support which further complicates the situation.

Given the fact a report was filed, and what we learned about NFL Security this weekend in the Washington Post, there's no way the Vikings couldn't have known.

Boy, this is one exciting NFL season so far.

Calvin Murphy couldn't make it into your joke? C'mon, man. Fourteen kids by nine women is better stats than any of those.

She married him and said nothing. If you are hitting someone like that in public, what in the hell do you think is going on in private?

Antonio Cromaetie, Sean Kemp, Travis Henry and Adrian Peterson walk into a bar...... Because they weren't with their kids.

How long till we find out that he's actually the one who killed his son?

It can't come as surprise to anyone that Peterson beat more than just one of his children any more than what was in the elevator video surprised anyone. These men have failed to live up to their titles and AP should be cut just as Rice was. It's an untenable situation and the Vikes would be crazy to keep this serial

Jeesh, even the REAL Vikings used birth control now and then.

Two different four-year-old sons? If only AD's father had hit him in the scrotum with a switch.