
Whenever you are hungry and waiting at the bus stop, do you look at peoples calves and start salivating for their meat?

I have zero clue what was contained in your word salad. You're just babbling.

Worked up about what??

Yeah the "experienced adult opponent" is a Master or Candidate Master which is ELO 2200. Wikipedia isn't a source. It's an encyclopedia which derives from primary and secondary sources. Try clicking on the citations and reading about chess. Do any of the people cited as being chess prodigies have ELO ratings in

Isn't there a lot of cannibalism in Uganda? Is your claim of "good-hearted" people an assessment on their flavor?

Well if your daugher is black and only has 1600 FIDE rating, she can be called a "chess prodigy" too!

Except that the term "chess prodigy" has a specific definition that isn't applicable to other fields. A chess prodigy must be a young person who is able to beat much older players who are Masters or Grand Masters. That means she must have been able to beat people with at least a 2200 FIDE rating as a child. Beating

How is a woman who isn't in the top 10,000 ranked players and isn't even in the top 5,000 female ranked players considered a "chess prodigy"?

"a way of fighting back against their presumed superiority have brushed
up against a new generation, steeped in “Haters To The Left” empowerment"

It doesn't have anything to do with "women not being funny." The film was garbage: hacky and gimmicky. Can anyone imagine Elaine May or some other woman 30 years ago whining to the press about how everyone is sexist because one of their movies tanked? Or have so called film critics and journalists regurgitating

Is Random Roles done? There hasn't been an update in almost six weeks.

I was betting on which stereotypical black ebonics phrase would make the trailer. My guess was, "You go girl!", but they decided to go with "Aww Hell naw!". Nice move.

Isn't this guy a rod bandit?

This shouldn't have even been published if a proper interview was not possible. This is like reading press junket transcript from Cannes.

Tagawa mentioned it in passing, but I really wanted to hear about his experience on American Me. I always thought it was interesting having an ethnic Japanese Mexican as part of the gang.

You also forgot to ask him why his teeth always looked like a line of urinals at Shea Stadium.

The Human Dial Tone is just as boring in real life is he is on screen. How this doofus is successful is inexplicable.

He's a good actor who has terrible judgement in picking films. Good for his pocketbook, but bad for his career.

This writer is 100% correct. And all of these hosts try to be buddy-buddy with each other so there's no competition, no fire. Give me the days when Carson tried to destroy Joan Rivers' career and when Leno and Letterman wouldn't speak each other's name.

Here's a neat gimmick: Try creating something new and original instead of piggybacking on the works of others.