
“Still strange to me the game now has none of the gameplay mechanics from the first game.”

Oh plead god no. 2 needs to be like the first remake.

I started this game last night and really didn’t expect to be enjoying it as much as I am. Saying that, I haven’t encountered any boss fights yet.

On the bright side, the acronym lends itself to some pretty pithy one-liners.

“You’ve been SHAT on!”

“Mess with welfare, prepare to be SHAT-tered!”

“Insert past-tense fecal reference here!”

ETA: One more, one more...

“In a world where social welfare programs are abused by faceless, poorly-defined ne’er-do-wells, only poo

Sorry, this is stupid, this would be like saying, “Let’s remove all the rape cases from Law and Order SVU because it makes me feel uncomfortable.” I will never understand compromising ones story just because the actions that are taken make a viewer uncomfortable. Stories are meant to convey an emotion, whether

I don’t think I was ever going to play this game, but it saddens me that the developer felt she had to remove and rewrite a scene simply because it made people uncomfortable. If it gave them the option to opt-out in any way, and they didn’t take it, that’s on them.

Content removal is a nuanced discussion, but I’ll never understand the logic behind removing *optional* content that makes *some* people uncomfortable, especially when it already comes with a warning label. You lose something and gain nothing. What’s the point? I feel like it takes a really insecure and controlling

Agreed, some of the best scenes in films are hard to handle for some people. If it’s too much for you, just don’t watch it, but people that wanna do it should be able to.

Becuase in the world of pandering, logic and backbones are optional.

St. Michael, please defend me from the onslaught of smug, condescending, “hateful” and sanctimonious comments.

It’s the ending of Blade Runner! I can understand when you don’t get a reference to an obscure indie game, but it’s Blade Runner! BLADE RUNNER!

omg, haha! That MGDMT Bladerunner homage is great! xD

My favorite thing about this election is that the same people who always bitched that Obama was soft on Putin are now enthusiastically supporting a guy who is openly sucking his dick. Excuse my language.

So we on the left are the patriots now and they’re the commie-loving traitors, right? Russia has taken over without firing a single shot and we are now a banana republic, being ruled by a puppet government. I can not comprehend what’s happening, I just can’t.

...mythopoetic stew so half-baked and overcooked...

I wrote something similar in high school when I read the book jacket but not the book but turned in a book report anyway.

One thing that surprised me so much about this movie was the fact that he reloads fairly often, particularly when using handguns. Not only that, but he actually gets interrupted while reloading at one point, forcing him to take the baddie down with hand-to-hand before finishing his reload. Nifty little touches like