
You would be surprised. They had multiple options of the fan belt in stock at Autozone but no one has the parking brake spreader plate. They make reproductions for beetles but if you have a 1973 then no parking brake for you.

No amount of weed would get you there. I would suggest some bad acid, truckload of meth and lead paint ice cream. This is bad.

They often say that. I once was pulled over because of "fishtailing" pulling out into traffic in a civic with sticky tires. Looks good on the report and the judge won't call him out on it.

Was it made at least 20 years ago? With a manual? Then yes.

Thanks for ruining it. Been trying to avoid the spoilers till Sunday.

Atlanta Motor Speedway does not sell out because it has horrible fans and mediocre racing. Road Atlanta has a bigger crowd for Petit Lemans than Atlanta does for cup.

Remember that the Vatican is a huge tourist attraction. And most of those people eat and sleep in Italy. In addition the security precautions needed to drive the pope out with a vehicle are huge. The helicopter is cheap and does not disturb Rome.

Indycar is saved!!! A week-too-late take on a meme that has been played out. Not even a good take off. And with the old crapwagon too. Indycar really needs to hire its people from outside Indy. This is just sad.

Coverage was awful. One of the hosts was not prepared, the stream went down and they ere missing a team onsite. Can't wait to watch the motorsTV coverage to see what really happened.

Not True! HDNet showed the races about ten years ago. Wonderful uncompressed 1080P too.

Look at what how the Daytona group has managed AMA motorcycle road-racing. Went from full crowds and good TV ratings to almost nothing. From the best national series to nothing of note. I am sure the ownership is making money and saving a bundle on insurance but now kids have to go to europe if they want to race a

The whole idea with the car collection is that he doesn't need or have time for a concubine. Read a few interviews with the man. That is why his wife puts up with it.

I once dated a girl with a straight six mustang and it was awesome! Nothing would kill it. not even doing the commute with no coolant. Do bring a fire extinguisher though. Will start after putting out the fire though.

I once dated a girl with a straight six mustang and it was awesome! Nothing would kill it. not even doing the commute with no coolant. Do bring a fire extinguisher though. Will start after putting out the fire though.

What Opel does for GM is provide the cheapest German car in Europe. If you are looking for a solid car but can't afford a VW( and VW service/parts) then you get an Opel. They drive great and won't fall apart like a Fiat( 3-5 years between suspension rebuilds for Fiats in Poland.)

Ron Howard has been doing this with a full budget and trying to use as little special effect as possible. He could have just used some CGI for a lot less money. Can't believe Jalops would be for using fakes when the real deal is available. Considering the budget for this movie is in the 8 or 9 figure range a slightly