Well, thank goodness a sociologist in training reviewed this for scientific accuracy.
Well, thank goodness a sociologist in training reviewed this for scientific accuracy.
Well, I feel like a loser but, when I first heard the lyric there was no “the google” and I thought Vera was the name of his estranged wife that was having nookie while he was away.
Literally anything and everything Trump complained about during the campaign applies to his administration in spades. For Christ’s fucking sake, what a goddamn joke his administration is.
God, at least for Rachel, they picked someone who seems genuinely nice to represent the minority. Us Hispanics had to deal with the least interesting man in the world, Juan Pablo, as our representative (not counting Roberto, thank you at least, for that). Why couldn’t Rachel have one of those guys be a hot Puerto…
Please god make it that 2018 is actually not happening.
Yeah, this is such a non-scandal, it’s getting a bit ridiculous. Every US Attorney that was fired was in the middle of an investigation. Every USA serves at the behest of the president. Every time the party switches, the rule is to be fired, the exception is to stay. The only “news” here is that Trump is a dick. …
God how fucking embarrassing these fucking idiots are. Hey all you trump supporters, I’m sorry but this is ridiculously embarrassing. You people put a complete jack-ass into office who delegated all of his powers to other complete jackasses because you wanted to “drain the swamp.”
Wait, so she’s what happens when someone takes Camille Paglia too seriously?
Seriously, the idea of protecting the centuries old secrecy is much more important than disallowing people to convict folks because of the color of their skin. When will these libtards get it?
Fact: people will watch NFL football regardless of the announcer.
I’ve heard of it...
Sane people would know the old med school maxim: when you see hoofprints, think horses, not zebras.
So, I’m inviting tomatoes to be thrown but, the only comparison I can reallly make for Trump is LBJ. The man really shot from the hip, used gun slinging slang as his way of communicating, particularly in private, and was just wrong about a great many things because he had no idea what the hell he was talking about.
See, you jinxed it. If there’s one thing you learned in the last 18 months or so, isn’t that presumptions about sanity, normalcy, and propriety are worthless?
This guy just keeps hammering that rich people suck, and that it’s somehow morally obtuse to own more than (I guess), what you need.
He says his code name’s Maverick, it should be Goose.
Wait, is Hamilton the one who posted recently that nobody found it weird that someone owned 2 million in jewelry? Cause that was a weird post and showed all sorts of disconnect from, I don’t know, reality, history, economics, scale, the whole thing.
My father is losing his wits. He mumbles, rambles, and drives me crazy. He would sound like shakespeare compared to this complete shithead of an idiot.
Can I be equivalently mad at Women for not voting 85-1 against the cheeto?
Um, it’s just an asset. It’s like having 2m worth of land, but in a box or boxes. I guess if we all feel like owning things is, itself, a bad thing this is bad? I guess? Did I miss the Red February or something?