Rearrange the words again and you have Dam Lane!
Rearrange the words again and you have Dam Lane!
God Bless Donnie Baseball
You have two boards on either side if the backlight on the backside of the TV when you unscrew the casing. One is a master and one is a slave. The caps vizio uses aren't the top of the line capacitors and tend to blow when the TV has seen heavy usage (naturally). When a cap blows the top of it will be raise and have a…
Only thing that might need replacing on a Vizio is the Master/Slave capacitors that tend to blow. It literally cost $20 to replace them yet people just toss their TVs and buy another one. But for price/value Vizio is a great choice.
Or assy hole?
Either K-Fed is looking better or M-Sanch is off the deep end...
Back and to the right....Back and to the right...
Drafted him in the second round in 3 ppr leagues....I literally do this every Sunday night. Girlfriend is not amused.
Was Free RG3 taken?
Considering the fact the French defenders call themselves the "Maginot Line," and looking back at history, France will only stand for the next 36 hours.
France Need(s)? Or France Need(ed)?
Ahh...I see what you did there.
Jim Abbot would would applaud this....but he can't.
I was looking for that exact wig for my Kenny Powers Halloween costume. Sadly the one I found was more Joe Dirt than Kenny Powers...Oh well, Ashley Schaeffer BMW Whoa!!
Raiders-Texans line is bound to move left. 3 1/2 by Sunday.
Two guys on the right look like they are about half way through the wolf man transformation
Funny part is that the babysitter is named Twitter.