my mom wanted to set up some kind of weird baby making room the night of our wedding
my mom wanted to set up some kind of weird baby making room the night of our wedding
Thank you!! - I’m pregnant with our first child (a girl) and this was giving me the willies. MY husband thinks women under 30 are children; there is nothing typical about that kind of sickness.
Or to anyone. The sexual abuse is bad enough, but the gaslighting! It’s pure evil.
I have 3 girls.
but like... his own daughter though
Having suffered years of sexual abuse from my own father and being too afraid to tell anyone, the fact that this young woman had the strength to tell a trusted adult speaks VOLUMES about her. I wish I could hug her and tell her how brave she is.
Right, and she quickly apologized. I’m just seeing a double standard here when it comes to criticism of their respective gaffes.
I also can’t help but think it’s rooted in a fundamental lack of understanding of what’s at stake here. I’ve only heard that from educated, solvent, white men. If they think that having one of those Republicans in the White House is an acceptable alternative to Clinton, they clearly aren’t actually committed to…
I hope she wins.
I’m beginning to think she’s not very intelligent.
I realize this isn’t totally directed at you but it’s really been bothering me. There’s all this criticism about Hillary changing positions on things, but she is consistently tacking towards what she believes is the consensus positions of the people she wants to represent. Isn’t this exactly what you want out of a…
OK. Maybe this has nothing to do with sexism. At all.
At a caucus in Denver there was group of younger men and one much older man on the Bernie side of the room who started yelling at a woman who was probably 70+ years old, on the Clinton side. The old man was yelling that she was voting for the bitch because she had a vagina. The younger men were yelling as well. A…
Women voting for Bernie is not evidence that sexism doesn’t exist.
Wait till you have kids and real household work to divide before you decide how liberal and feminist your boyfriend is. Amazing how many just have excellent pre-baby game. I’m sure my ex’s new gf thinks he’s all kinds of wonderful and feminist, but truth is bae ain’t paid regular child support in months and is still,…
One group that came out big for Bernie was men.
All the stars for this. I don’t want a someone who’s brilliant at marketing themselves. I want someone who’s good at running the damn country. Obama is a rare bird, in that he is both. But I don’t need Hillary to be good at campaigning or even particularly likable; I just want her brilliant self to run America for…
Did you read Jon Favreau’s article from a few days ago in the Daily Beast about Hillary? (That’s Obama’s speechwriter, if the name sounds familiar but you can’t remember.)