
I don’t know, I sort of think that women have a responsibility to not put themselves into the sort of situation where this might occur. Which, apparently, involves building some sort of solitary subterranean bomb shelter and just living there for the rest of your lives.

I promise that I’ll become a Christian again

Syracuse here.

This. TV is a hard enough business to work in without burning all your bridges by going up against one of the most powerful execs in the biz (see: Andrea Mackris.)

Rainbow of women?

“The closeted perv has never come out as gay”

Because he very well may not be; being a child predator /= gay. Abusive sex is about power, not identity.

I know, but if you’re clever with it, you can convince people of a concept that they would absolutely not agree to otherwise.

I’ve started just going “I TOTALLY agree” and then stating the opposite opinion. It’s hilarious. People are like “I don’t think you understood me...” and then you can be like “Oh my goodness, you’re so right” and restate your opposite opinion. People have no idea what to do.

So sadly correct. I may not get suspended without pay if I weigh in too heavy as an airline’s stewardess, but no male coworkers or managers will take my input seriously unless it gets recycled and spat out through the mouth of a man, however less senior than me. I’m constantly ignored and undermined by my male bosses

Thank god I’m a librarian. The day they enforce a ban on Easy Spirit shoes and threadbare cardigans is the day I turn in my retirement papers.

I’m so glad I don’t have to work in a restaurant. In my line of work, people only feel entitled to comment on my hair, my weight, my voice, my nail polish, my make-up, my clothes, my shoes...but they can’t fire me for it.

As long as they make the men wear the same thing, I’m good with it.

Somewhere there’s some little mediocre, cherub-faced ginger child being told by their parents they didn’t make the cut because of three affirmative action cases.

i think she wanted to use the n**ggA to be hip but ended using the one her parents use at home

It’s like the fun police in there.

my god she’s a fox, too!

Not yet. I just barely know how to use the internet. :)

Newt Gingrich, the villainous toad

Huh... well...

Don’t be confused, be hopeful. If the most stalwart opponents of the existence of racism are starting to finally grasp the simple fact that they can not understand what it’s like, hopefully others will follow, and real change can be made.