
Most of them , dont understand the meaning of half the words they use!

Exactly,the ladder imagery , on point.

As i said she does nothing with her painting to adress the situation, so she could have passed. The work in itself is bland, its a cubic reproduction of a picture which was tremendously powerful.She can go away,and stop wasting canvas.

That’s why its not in the interest of black american actors to let this happen without a fight. At some point its gonna hurt their business.Art is good but food tastes better.

One is woke the other is not, side-eyeing you Jon Boyega!I’m gonna steal this quote: “Gains are hard won and we have to fight to keep them”

Thank you!How many “Pride and prejudice” do we need? And no Idris Elba as Mr Darcy is not enough of a bait!

Funny, he/she was responding up and down , but it seems that you definitely closed his/her mouth.

And that’s why its a problem.Because somehow its a way to give back to the community,cast a different light on AA experience.

The list is so long its actually shocking.

Because truth hurts and people don’t want to be disturbed. The” blacks “never satisfied!

I always check the bio for black actors, they are often well-trained and versatile. Its business as usual,people don’t know what they’re talking about but are not the least ashamed to spew asinine comments.

Even more when you think of the additionnal skills an actor might possess: dancing, singing or whatever...Its a set of tools and honestly Elizabethan theatre might be one, but nothing can help an actor involved in a shitty production, with a bad script and a miserable director.

Amen, there is a theatrical tradition in America , but this is bullshit. That is the snotty argument that is commonly used to devaluate an actor to oppose theatre as the ‘noble’form of acting versus movies or televisions.

Starting with him and his nasty bunch?

This is disturbingly funny.

Yummy, pour me some more of this tasty refrigerated beverage.

I didn’t know people hated DC that much. Seems like S.Jackson he is not allowed to dwell on the bittersweet feelings one’s can’t repress when your successor is smoothly cruising the way, you have paved with your sweat, tears and maybe his case nerves. How dare you be human, Dave? Keep your sincerity, your nuanced

What about Dick the whole lot it.

Dead i am, :)

They know as soon as the next group arrives, they’re happy to give them the boot.