Saying outloud, wrote it, read it a lot. We need to stop being so inclusive. Starting in highschool with the friend we give access to a pool of male to the political party who take us for granted.
Saying outloud, wrote it, read it a lot. We need to stop being so inclusive. Starting in highschool with the friend we give access to a pool of male to the political party who take us for granted.
All kind of women who have decided they can’t or aren’t interested?There is no justification needed.Its not as if their women’s card will be cancelled. Its a personal decision.
Oh no, not this again!You’re a mess.
Granny for president a thousand times over this jackass.
Apalling!Beyond words.
You’re right, as far as i’m concerned he is lacking ofsubstance. And the parts he is playing are his choices too.He might need to get a little more dirty.But the man may not be the great actor he thinks he is.
They’re already fucked.
Who do you think you owe your loyalty too? If tomorrow your company take it off, what you gonna do?
So they won’t participate, as Republican women wont, as those who are facing bankrupcy, as those who are self-employed, as the DEvout catholic or whatever.
What about doing it the American way, the idea is not working but of course there are somme adjustment to be made. Depending on every individual situation.Its not written in marble.
Thank you. Nothing with this administration is gonna be granted, mush is at risk. If people think that they can just keep on living their lives unbothered, they are mistaken i think.A point has to be made, and it means hard work.
When there is a will, there is a way.For instance, not working half a day is an option too or even , 1 hour. It means sacrifice a little pleasure this month , but hey, no pain, no gain.
Jesus!Crazy how the top comments are about me-me-me-me, when the point is trying to build a bigger, a better us.The U.S are built on individualities, but it has to grow as a collective.What’s going on is beyond our little selves, and we need to adapt, adjust, be creative, because the future they are building for us,…
Your comment is funny, because a niche is a doghouse in French.And that’s where he should go.He is fake and the Swift stunt just unveiled that aspect of him.
He is not manly enough to play Bond.
He is fake and thirsty AF.Those brits always play it like humble, a,d nice, they’re assholes. He is looking for fame and money and lie to himself.The sunt was a debacle, just as Fassbender/Vikander’s one. He should have played it downlow but he was to eager and it came back as a boomerang. I hate him.
Its gonna be cool to hear the jez staff voices, gonna help me doing vile things as laundry or whatever.
Yeah life can’t be that shitty.
Good grief, why can’t they shut up already? I’ll never watch this boring show.