Doublethink at its finest.
Doublethink at its finest.
WTF!!Its infuriating, i can’t!
The world is no longer free.
The question is why is she always wrong?She is deluded , once again as she is listening to her own voice as she is spouting non-sense .Why is it anyone’s fault that Trumplini got elected except its voters? Why can’t people accept that they’re wrong, nasty, selfish, mean and mediocre and try to improve…
OMG! You cracked me up!
And then post-divorce body by KK
Which leads us to the only logical conclusion: E! is tacky as hell.But i would love to work there and then quit before i set my hair on fire.
Totally, she wasn’t pretty and felt entittled to some men’s attention. Now, in her world they have to pay for imaginary rejections, and perceived slights.Except if someone never cared for you...
The gif means everything to me!You’re the best!
Doing important things for yourself is the best way to :
What’s telling is that she still has to work.
Well,any program that allows one of these women to display their sickness is nothing but a waste of time.
She better lay low
Man, thanks for the very useful description of random artefacts from the past, but lets face this horrible reality, this girl will never ever, ever work a single minute of her goddamn life,because a gifted yr old got ensaved and sold for entertainment purposes!
YAY Topher is such a dork!
Define what has to be protected no matter what. I know for instance that any bill on certain subjects are going to be targeted, so im gonna fight for them on the moment. In the long term, the goal is to gather the forces left to win elections.
When one is able to do some kind of introspection there is always room for improvement, but clearly she is not there for that.
Exactly, he is going to be in “Dude where is my fucking Lambo, i got to get to the bank” sequel.
Well horrible times are coming.