
This is really all that needs to be said-good god.

Oh I think he knows...

Since this hit the internet a week or two ago I have watched it endlessly it is the only thing that sustains me. I don’t know how any team legally allows this to happen but my god it rules.

No kids in my case, but since election day I very much feel that not buying stuff is in fact, one of the only ways I have to actually push back (obvious stuff such as donating to ACLU/PP, calling senators aside). My family is just exchanging donations to charity for christmas.

I swear to god like 45% of these pizzagate dudes are pedos-they certainly don’t mind spending HUGE chunks of their time/energy/hard drive space to “research”

I usually tell people to ask themselves what the people/articles telling them whatever specious “fact” have to gain by them believing it. Many people who believe this stuff were never taught how to spot obvious cons, which is why Trump’s voter base so neatly fits with people who were swindled by his college/timeshare

They also don’t seem to get that the refs might not be inclined to be giving their team the benefit of the doubt when Draymond spends the a big chunk of each game he is not kicking dudes screaming directly into the refs faces.

So...about the flag-burning-do people know Trump is getting the idea and the “$100,000/1 year in jail” for this from a bill HRC sponsored, right? The 2005 flag protection act...

Came here to say this exact thing. Fuck CNN-they were perfectly happy with Trump when his rallies were boosting their ratings and they were having his former campaign manager on as a panelist even though he had signed an NDA with the Trump campaign.

We’re looking at the new head of the EPA here aren’t we

Guys c’mon, let’s not throw out the savvy analysis Krugman has provided post election. Feels like we’re being unfair.

Their problem is Rubio-he can’t shoot at all, and the defense can sag off him into passing lanes and double team the rest of the wolves all game long. They never get any kind of rhythm going because they are playing 4 on 5 on one end.

Maybe it’s just me but after you help get el president pussy grabber in office your license to be offended by sexism is kind of expired

Great post-these freaks have seeped into the military and law enforcement and I don’t think people realize how insanely dangerous that is

I will just say that if by some miracle this recount shows the dems won, and it survives the army of lawyers Trump throws at it-I will definitely be arming myself because those trumpoids are going to be off the rails.

Yeah LOOK at all these Berniebros!!

Basically he wants to do a Marie Kondo on the constitution, no biggie. Just pick the regulations that spark joy

“for every one new regulation that is created-2 old regulations must be eliminated” hahaha oh my god the nation is truly being run by fucking children

Apologies if this follow-up report is not real (so little news is these days)